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Saving the <input>


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Is it possible (in html) to save the result of an <input> tag to a text file? I have googled this question but can't get any kind of reasonable answer, all the answers seem to wander off into the mystical realms of asp, php, ajax, etc.. of which I no nothing.. Can anyone steer me in the right html direction please.

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You will need to use some kind of scripting to make this happen. Some use a ready made php form while others build their own. Google: "save input field data to text file" and you should get a few ideas on how to achieve this.

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Is it possible (in html) to save the result of an <input> tag to a text file? I have googled this question but can't get any kind of reasonable answer, all the answers seem to wander off into the mystical realms of asp, php, ajax, etc.. of which I no nothing.. Can anyone steer me in the right html direction please.
I assume you want to save it to a text document on the server,If so I recommend using PHP fwrite, tutorials below;http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_filesystem_fwrite.asphttp://php.net/manual/en/function.fwrite.php
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