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Need help in sorting date format (eg. July,2013)


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Hi,I have created 2 fields in a table (month & year). The month will be shown as January,February,March etc. The year will be shown as 2011,2012 etc.The following is the code that will capture the date format once user submit a form.

<?php$jd=cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN,date("m"),date("d"),date("Y"));$Month=jdmonthname($jd,1);$Year=date(Y);mysql_query ("INSERT INTO Table1 (month,year) VALUES ('$Month','$Year')");?>
Now, I have a problem in sorting the month in descending order (December,November,October etc). Can someone please kindly help me on the sorting and I need to make the month format remain as (December,November,October etc). Thanks.Below is the code to query the result, however it will sort by alphabetical order.
<?phpmysql_query ("Select * from Table1 where year='$Year' order by month DESC"); ?>?>


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If you stored the month as a number then you would be able to order it by month. MySQL doesn't know what order you think is correct for your strings.


You should store dates as numbers and only convert them to strings when you're displaying them to the user.


How to turn a number month into a text month:


// This is somewhere very early on in your code// The first slot is empty because there is no month 0 (zero)$months = array('Empty', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); // Whenever you need to print the month name $m = $row['month'];echo $months[$m];
Edited by Ingolme
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