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sanitize filters


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I found this code in tha php manual, the link is here...http://www.php.net/manual/en/filter.filters.sanitize.php:

array_filter($_POST, 'trim_value');    // the data in $_POST is trimmed$postfilter =    // set up the filters to be used with the trimmed post array    array(            'user_tasks'                        =>    array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, 'flags' => !FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW),    // removes tags. formatting code is encoded -- add nl2br() when displaying            'username'                            =>    array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED, 'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW),    // we are using this in the url            'mod_title'                            =>    array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED, 'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW),    // we are using this in the url        );

What I cannot find to the above code -in the one assigned in the postfilter variable specifically- the reference to the $_POST array.


The comment besides the postfilter says..."to be used with the trimmed post array".

I do not see any reference to that array in the code below.


As you might guessed I am not so experienced with arrays that's why I need some help here.


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$_POST is an array and it's being manipulated here:

array_filter($_POST, 'trim_value');

I assume trim_value is a function that removes whitespace from the left and right of all the strings that the array contains.

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My question WHERE it is mentioned in the code below:

$postfilter =    // set up the filters to be used with the trimmed post array    array(            'user_tasks'                        =>    array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, 'flags' => !FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW),    // removes tags. formatting code is encoded -- add nl2br() when displaying            'username'                            =>    array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED, 'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW),    // we are using this in the url            'mod_title'                            =>    array('filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED, 'flags' => FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW),    // we are using this in the url        );

The writer of the code says "....be used with the trimmed post array".

So, do you see the variable POST anywhere above?

Edited by jimfog
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The filters are being set up, but they haven't been used on the $_POST array yet.

There's more code that you omitted. The following line is this:


$revised_post_array = filter_var_array($_POST, $postfilter);    // must be referenced via a variable which is now an array that takes the place of $_POST[]
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