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printing array output


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I am using a foreach loop to print the contents of an array to the browser:

<?php $serviceslist=get_services($conn,$_SESSION['valid_user']);                           foreach ($serviceslist as  $value )                                    {                                     print_r($value);                                     echo '<br>';                                    }?>   

the above array lists the contents from 2 columns(services,price)...all in all, there are 4 values and the problem is that due to the br tag the values are listed one below another.


What I want is a table structure that resembles the table. I want the data printed in the browser rows after rows,

For example:

service price

service price.


Now it is like that:






How I will fix it? I think it s clearly an HTML problem

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you should restructure your array to another dimension.

$service['price']="foo"; $service['name"]="bar";foreach ($serviceslist as $value ){echo $value['price'] . $value['name'];echo '<br>';}?> 

Also if you want to use print data proper order using print_r(), you should use the second parameter.


Edited by birbal
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take a look at the code...it gives me Warning: Illegal string offset 'services' :

foreach ($serviceslist as $value )
echo $value['services'].'<br>';

Ι cannot understand why this is hapenning.

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That means $value is a string. You weren't meant to just copy the code he gave you, he said to restructure your arrays.

An example that corresponds to the word "restructure" would help here.The obvious thing was to follow the example given...and so I did.

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It seems you still need to learn more about arrays and the foreach loop.


This line of your code creates one element in the $serviceslist array called "services"


The foreach loop in your code assigns the value of $serviceslist['services'] to the variable $value, so $value is a string and $serveiceslist only has one element.


Birbal's code will work but your array needs to be structured as follows:


$serviceslist[0] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');$serviceslist[1] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');$serviceslist[2] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');$serviceslist[3] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');


A shorthand way to add new elements onto the end of an array without having to know what numeric index to use is the following:


$a[] = "value";

Given that knowledge, the previous code can be written as:


$serviceslist = array();$serviceslist[] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');$serviceslist[] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');$serviceslist[] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');$serviceslist[] = array(    'price' => 'X',    'name' => 'Y');

It doesn't seem extremely useful at the moment, but it's exceptionally useful when getting values from a loop, for example databases.


$serviceslist = array();while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc()) {    $serviceslist[] = array(        'price' => $row['price'],        'name' => $row['name']    )}
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In other words you are suggesting me to use a multi-dimensional array. Is that what the above is called?Just to be certain.

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