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Javasvript (klappe) news, only show latest


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I have this code, but how can I do so the latest news is shown and they other are closed? I can't figure it out by my self, there are ask you guys

$res = mysql_query("select * from news order by added desc") or die(mysql_error());if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {	while ($news = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {$ret = ($CURUSER['class'] >= 10 ? " <a href='admin_news.php?action=edit&id={$news['id']}'><img src='{$SITEINFO['picdir']}edit.png' alt='Ret' title='Ret' /></a>":"");$slet = ($CURUSER['class'] >= 10 ? " <a href='admin_news.php?action=slet&id={$news['id']}'><img src='{$SITEINFO['picdir']}delete.png' alt='Slet' title='Slet' /></a>":"");$added = $news['added'];$newstext = $news['body'];if ($CURUSER) {$new = ($CURUSER['news_readed'] == 'no' ? "<img src='{$SITEINFO['picdir']}new.gif' alt='' border='0' />":"");}if ($news['youtube'] != "")$newstext .= "<br/><iframe title='YouTube video player' class='youtube-player' type='text/html' width='640' height='390' src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/$news[youtube]' frameborder='0' allowFullScreen></iframe>";$ud .= "<div style='background:;height:20px;text-align:center;'><span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:15pt;'>{$news['title']}</span>{$new}</div>n";$ud .= "<span style='font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;'><a href="javascript:klappe('{$news['id']}')">{$added}</a></span>{$ret}{$slet}n";$ud .= "<div style='margin-top:10px;padding:5px;display:none;' id='k{$news['id']}'>".text($newstext)."</div><hr />n";if ($CURUSER) {mysql_query("update users set news_readed = 'yes' where id = '{$CURUSER['id']}' limit 1") or die(mysql_error());}}}
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If the klappe function does what you want to happen for these, then after you print each div you can print some Javascript code to run that function on the div. You can use a counter or another variable to tell if you're on the first item or not.

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