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Error while connecting to mysql on server


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Hey guys,


here is the problem that i am having, i am connecting to the server using these lines:

$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password');if (!$link) {    die('Not connected : ' . mysql_error());}

it shows the following error:

Not connected : No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

what am i doing wrong..??

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Only if the windows hosts file says it is. It seems if you're running the server in a virtual box or sometimes simply because the hosts file got manipulated localhost might not be pointing to You can search online about the windows hosts file if you want to learn more about it. With that file you can assign names to any IP address.

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That means instead of "localhost" i should write the ip address of my database, whatever it might be..??

(so should that be the practice, writing the ip instead of localhost).

Edited by Ezio
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I always use localhost, myself. It's just something wrong with your Windows hosts file. Though writing the IP address rather than localhost will certainly ensure there are no domain name errors.

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