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Properties of Stock Symbol


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// [{"id": "694653","t" : "GOOG","e" : "NASDAQ","l" : "581.84","l_cur" : "581.84","s": "0","ltt":"4:00PM EDT","lt" : "Mar 30, 4:00PM EDT","c" : "+0.11","cp" : "0.02","ccol" : "chg"}]http://finance.google.com/finance/info?client=ig&q=NASDAQ:GOOG

Can anybody explain me these properties of Stock symbol GOOG, for eg. i know few of them likeid-- Its Symbol id, t-- Symbol of stock, e-- stock exchange, but what are others, why do i want to know them?becauseI want to make table and display these value as "open" , "close","High","Low"


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