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Function to return a single value from a sql query.


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I am very new to PHP and SQL, and enjoying learning through W3School.I need alittle help with my function, to return a single value from a sql database.

function lineData($con,$num,$row){    $Result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT Line FROM DriverList WHERE DriverNumber = $num");         $output =  mysql_query($Result);      return $output   }

Hope you can see what i'm trying to do. Any help and tips, would be appreciated..


Thanks in advance!

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These examples all seem to be returning arrays. (way above my head).


I was hoping someone could show me a simple function to returm a SINGLE value and set that value as my varaible OUTPUT.

My query will always only have 1 possible value.


Note.. 1 SINGLE value. NOT a row of data.

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Arrays are pretty fundamental to programming. Like a scalar variable holds a single value, an array holds multiple values. Arrays are so fundamental that the mysqli extension does not even have a way to get the value of a single field. You can get an entire row as either an array or an object, and get the field from that. The fetch_field method, for example:




does not return a value in a field, it returns information about the field itself (data type, length, etc). Look at the examples on the manual page for fetch_assoc, they show getting values of the fields pretty clearly.

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