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#include <iostream.h>#include <fstream.h>#include <string.h>void results(int num);    	//prototype results()int lookup(void);      //prototype lookup()struct element_info {	float mass;      	//atomic mass	int num;      	//atomic number	char symbol[3];      //element symbol	char name[20];      //element name} elements[6];int main(){	char *filename = "Elements.txt";	//file used for input	int i;        //counter in while loop	ifstream infile;    	//file handle	infile.open(filename, ios::in);  //open file		i = 1;	while (!infile.eof()) {  infile >> elements[i].mass;  //get element atomic mass  infile >> elements[i].num;  //get element atomic number  infile >> elements[i].symbol;	//get element chemical symbol  infile >> elements[i].name;  //get element name  i += 1;	}        	//while loop continues until EOF is reached	results(lookup());    	//show the results depending on lookup()'s return value	return 0;}int lookup(){	int i;        //counter in loops	int num = 0;      //used to display correct element group	int type;      	//type of search          //user input	float atom_num;      //atomic number	char sym[5];      //symbol	char name[20];      //name		cout << "What type of search would you like to do?" << endl;	cout << "Symbol - 1\nName - 2\nAtomic Number - 3" << endl;	cin >> type;	cout << "Make sure all strings are properly capitalized." << endl;	cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl;	switch(type)      //just using a switch to make sure i get the right variable *type*	{  case 1:  	cout << "Please enter the chemical symbol: ";  	cin.ignore(80, '\n');  	cin.get(sym, 25);  	break;  case 2:  	cout << "Please enter the element name: ";  	cin.ignore(80, '\n');  	cin.get(name, 25);  	break;  case 3:  	cout << "Please enter the atomic number: ";  	cin >> atom_num;  	break;  default:  	cout << "You did not enter a correct choice." << endl;  	break;	}	for(i = 1; i < 6; i++) {  if (!strcmp(sym, elements[i].symbol)) {  	num = i;  } else if (!strcmp(name, elements[i].name)) {  	num = i;  } else if (atom_num == elements[i].mass) {  	num = i;  }	}	return num;}void results(int num){	if(num) {  cout << "\nYour search results:" << endl;  cout << "---------------------" << endl;  cout << "Element Name:    \t" << elements[num].name << endl;  cout << "Chemical Symbol: \t" << elements[num].symbol << endl;  cout << "Atomic Number:   \t" << elements[num].num << endl;  cout << "Atomic Mass:  \t" << elements[num].mass << endl << endl;	} else {  cout << "Your search string did not match any of our records.\n" << endl;	}}

Edited by aspnetguy
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nice code!So are we supposed to guess what you want. Does it return errors? Does it behave in a way you don't want?Do you have a question?BTW, this is a forum for WEB languages...which C++ isn't, so you may find it hard to find help on that subject.I have been learning c++ for a couple months now, so I might be able to help.

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