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Fill space between 2 divs


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Hi all,I am having issues trying to fill the space between 2 divs in a header. I have googled this to death and the suggestions provided all don't seem to work. My div that is floated right seems to get forced down.

Image of my header attached. My jsfiddle is here: http://jsfiddle.net/Ruddlesdin/V7JDB/2/

<body>	<div id="header">            <div id="divLeft"></div>            <div id="divMiddle"></div>            <div id="divRight"></div>    </div></body>
#header{    float: top;    height: 100px;    width: auto;    background: orange;}#divLeft{    float: left;    width: 100px;    height: 100%;    background: green;}#divMiddle{    height: 100%;    width: auto;    background: red;}#divRight{    float:right;    width: 100px;    height: 100%;    background: blue;}


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Floated elements only float relative to the content that follows it, so the divRight element should be placed before divMiddle.


If you want a separation between the middle div and the two on the sides then give a margin to it larger than the width of the side divs:

#divMiddle {    margin-left: 120px;    margin-right: 120px;}
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SOLVED: thank you so much. I have no hair left but yes, all I did was move the html tags around and it worked exactly how I wanted it to.

There's about 4 hours I will never get back but I certainly won't forget for the future. Thanks,


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