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Combining Multiple CSS to one without replica?


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Hi Everyone,

I need a solution from any of you for following question.

Q: There is a website project which has 80 to 100 pages, now we have to convert it to responsive, but i want to distribute this to multiple people.. so that my works accomplish faster rather one person doing it… but my issue will be CSS, if multiple people is working on different pages, while combing the CSS, surely they will face the replica issue even whole UI might get colpase due to this… and one more would be CSS will become huge list and other would be browser compatibility when issues arise.

I would like to know is there any solution or guide how a multiple persons can work on one project with one CSS file at a time.

Looking forward for a positive reply. Thanks in advance.


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A lot of big template websites break down their themes. Personally I prefer the following...


reset css - browser standard Minimal

skin css - colors and fonts

templates - sizes and margins spacing etc.

layout - structure, floats, positioning

theme - image gradients borders effects

independent content components...


Doing it this way uses an interface approach (Similar to OOP). If everyone stays within their own tasks their modifications can work and interchange even targeting the same context.

Edited by Themoonstarsun
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