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unexpected result


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/*check this out in example page. See how the color change or take on another color. I'm guessing this due to it being to close to each other, but the second solid line isn't being touch. And even the dashed bottom line contain a blue green color to it. Any thoughts on this phenomena? ... it might just be my display... but if so then still need to be recognize to know of such an result.*/<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>p {border:1px solid red;}p.dotted {outline-style:solid;}p.dashed {outline-style:dashed;}p.solid {outline-style:solid;}p.double {outline-style:double;}p.groove {outline-style:groove;}p.ridge {outline-style:ridge;}p.inset {outline-style:inset;}p.outset {outline-style:outset;outline-width:2em;}</style></head><body><p class="dotted">A dotted outline</p><br/><br/><pre></pre><p class="dashed">A dashed outline</p><p class="solid">A solid outline</p><p class="double">A double outline</p><p class="groove">A groove outline</p><p class="ridge">A ridge outline</p><p class="inset">An inset outline</p><p class="outset">An outset outline</p><b>Note:</b> IE8 supports the outline properties only if a !DOCTYPE is specified.</body></html>/*And there is no different between groove, ridge, inset, outset, and solid... unless I'm missing something; if so please tell me... The simple fact that it does add a solid surface to the outline prove that they are properties of the outline, but does not varies to my eyes to styles the outline.*/
Edited by L8V2L
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Making it wider makes it a little easier to see...

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>css</title><style>p {border:1px solid red;outline-width:10px;margin:35px 5px;}p.dotted {outline-style:dotted;}p.dashed {outline-style:dashed;}p.solid {outline-style:solid;}p.double {outline-style:double;}p.groove {outline-style:groove;}p.ridge {outline-style:ridge;}p.inset {outline-style:inset;}p.outset {outline-style:outset;}</style></head><body><p class="dotted">A dotted outline</p><p class="dashed">A dashed outline</p><p class="solid">A solid outline</p><p class="double">A double outline</p><p class="groove">A groove outline</p><p class="ridge">A ridge outline</p><p class="inset">An inset outline</p><p class="outset">An outset outline</p><b>Note:</b> IE8 supports the outline properties only if a !DOCTYPE is specified.<p>check this out in example page. See how the color change or take on another color. I'm guessing this due to it being to close to each other, but the second solid line isn't being touch. And even the dashed bottom line contain a blue green color to it. Any thoughts on this phenomena? ... it might just be my display... but if so then still need to be recognize to know of such an result.</p><p>And there is no different between groove, ridge, inset, outset, and solid... unless I'm missing something; if so please tell me... The simple fact that it does add a solid surface to the outline prove that they are properties of the outline, but does not varies to my eyes to styles the outline.</p><a href="http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_outline.asp">Reference</a></body></html>

Note that comment symbols have to be used carefully...

In the CSS only use /* this comment style */ In HTML you must use <!-- this comment style -->in Javascript you have two choices /* this */ or the // to end of line comment
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If your speaking on the style, then I did that, to which lead me to seeing the (I read a word that mean the opposite of intuition/tuition, but I can't think, nor find it) unexpected result.

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What does this mean?"Relatively positioned elements are often used as container blocks for absolutely positioned elements."I having trouble wrapping my head around relative position too. It being relatively to it's position meaning that was the position is set to relative, then zero position is it's relative position... right? and again what does this mean? "Relatively positioned elements are often used as container blocks for absolutely positioned elements."What does this mean?"An absolute position element is positioned relative to the first parent element that has a position other than static."

Edited by L8V2L
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Yes, absolute positioning is not "absolute" if the immediate parent is relative positioned.


However the main thought to keep in mind is that absolute and relative positioning should not be used unless you really need to use them.


You can google this to find example tutorials.

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Yes, absolute positioning is not "absolute" if the immediate parent is relative positioned. However the main thought to keep in mind is that absolute and relative positioning should not be used unless you really need to use them. You can google this to find example tutorials.

That's to restricted to say, I'll feel as if it would be better if you word it as, "only apply it if you can't produce your vision in another way."
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or just using the right tool for the job. in most cases, the box model will be enough to accommodate most standard layouts.

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or just using the right tool for the job. in most cases, the box model will be enough to accommodate most standard layouts.

For a beginner what is the right tool? One will use what applied to one.
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For a beginner what is the right tool? One will use what applied to one.

I just told.


or just using the right tool for the job. in most cases, the box model will be enough to accommodate most standard layouts.

use the box model.


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How to use the keyword "this" correctly to target? In your own words please.

what does this have to your original question? are you trying to ask a Javascript question now?

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