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Java Script Google earth Api


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Hello …. I am trying to make this “ruler” work …. All the necessary code is in place . I am not knowledgeable enough to Make the event Load with Javascript …. The button is there . The Code is there . It just wont fire . I Have Marked the area of the code that won’t fire . 1. I would like to enter address . 2. Hit the “ruler” button . And have the ruler execute to wherever the address is located . I Have enclose links to 1. A working example that is exactly what I am trying to achieve only it is in “google maps “ so the code does not work for “Google Earth “ . I Have also enclosed a Link to the “simple ruler “ api for google earth in which I have already coded in my example it just will not execute . I could really use a hand on this issue . I am struggling and have a deadline to achieve … Thank you in Advance . Eric


This is link to a working model only its In google maps . Which I cant use . http://koti.mbnet.fi/ojalesa/exam/ruler.html


Here 's where i received my code that won't execute http://earth-api-utility-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/extensions/examples/ruler.html

		<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"		  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">		<html>		<head>		  <title>GEarthExtensions Samples - Simple Distance Ruler</title>		  <script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi?key=ABQIAAAAsc0UQXoo2BnAJLhtpWCJFBTgHOxFyKCf35LCvsI_n4URElrkIhS9MkSlm_0NZWgrKFkOsnd5rEK0Lg" type="text/javascript"></script>		  <script src="../dist/extensions.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script>		  <script src="google/extensions-0.2.1.pack.js"></script>		<script type="text/javascript">		/* <![CDATA[ */		var ge = null;		var geocoder = null; // GClientGeocoder		var gex = null;		google.load('earth', '1');	google.load('maps', '3.6', {		other_params: 'sensor=false&libraries=places'	});	function init() {		google.earth.createInstance('map3d', function (object) {			ge = object;			ge.getWindow().setVisibility(true);			geocoder = new window.google.maps.Geocoder();			gex = new GEarthExtensions(ge);			GeoSearch('map3d');			 ge.getWindow().setVisibility(true);			ge.getNavigationControl().setVisibility(ge.VISIBILITY_AUTO)			ge.getNavigationControl().setStreetViewEnabled(true); 			ge.getTime().setHistoricalImageryEnabled(true);								}, function (error) {			alert("Error: " + error);		});	}	google.setOnLoadCallback(init);	function GeoSearch(id, options) {		id = id || '';		options = options || {};		var me = {},		bbox = util.bbox(document.getElementById(id)),			settings = (function () {				var defaults = {};				defaults.x = 10;				defaults.y = 10;				defaults.width = 400;				defaults.height = 25;				defaults.types = [];				defaults.iframe = {					frameBorder: 0,					id: 'geosearch-shim',					scrolling: 'no',					//src: (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6')>=0)?'':'javascript:void(0);',					src: 'about:blank',					style: {						width: util.px(defaults.width),						height: util.px(defaults.height),						zIndex: 9,						position: 'absolute',						left: util.px(bbox.left, defaults.x),						top: util.px(bbox.top, defaults.y)					}				};				defaults.submit = {					type: 'button',					id: 'geosearch-submit',					className: 'geosearch-controls',					value: '►',					style: {						padding: '0 5px 0 5px',						cursor: 'pointer',						color: '#fff',						background: '#4d90fe',						height: util.px(defaults.height),						outline: 'none',						border: 0,						zIndex: 11,						position: 'absolute',						top: util.px(bbox.top, defaults.y)					}				};				defaults.input = {					type: 'text',					id: 'geosearch-input',					className: 'geosearch-controls',					style: {						paddingLeft: '5px',						textOverflow: 'ellipsis',						width: util.px(defaults.width),						height: util.px(defaults.height),						display: 'block',						outline: 'none',						border: 0,						zIndex: 10,						position: 'absolute',						left: util.px(bbox.left, defaults.x),						top: util.px(bbox.top, defaults.y)					}				};				return defaults;			})();		util.extend(settings, options);		me.iframeShim = util.add('iframe', document.body, settings.iframe);		me.input = util.add('input', document.body, settings.input);		me.submit = util.add('input', document.body, settings.submit);		var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(me.input, {				types: settings.types			}),			reset = function () {				var offset = settings.width - me.submit.clientWidth;				me.iframeShim.style.height = util.px(settings.height);				me.submit.style.left = util.px(bbox.left, settings.x, offset);				me.input.style.width = util.px(offset);				me.submit.style.background = settings.submit.style.background;				me.input.title = me.submit.title = '';			};		reset();		util.listen(me.submit, 'click', function (evt) {			reset();			me.geocode(me.input.value);			return false;		});		util.listen(me.input, 'blur', function (evt) { reset(); });		//util.listen(me.input, 'focus', function (evt) { reset(); });				util.listen(me.input, 'keydown', function (evt) {			evt = window.event ? window.event : evt;			reset();			var pac = document.getElementsByClassName('pac-container')[0];			if (pac) {				me.iframeShim.style.height = util.px(settings.height, pac.clientHeight);				pac.style.paddingRight = util.px(me.submit.clientWidth);			}			if (evt.keyCode == 13) { // enter				   reset();				me.geocode(me.input.value);			}						return false;		});		google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {			var place = autocomplete.getPlace();			if (!place.geometry) {				me.submit.style.background = 'red';				return;			}			me.submit.style.background = 'green';			me.input.title = me.submit.title = 'OK';			if (place.geometry.viewport) {				gex.view.setToBoundsView(new geo.Bounds(				place.geometry.viewport.getSouthWest(),				place.geometry.viewport.getNorthEast()), {					aspectRatio: 1.0				});			} else {				// TODO: look at using the geocode result?				place.geometry && gex.util.lookAt(place.geometry.location);			}		});		me.geocode = function (address) {			if ('string' != typeof address) return;			me.input.value = address;			geocoder.geocode({				address: address			}, function (results, status) {				me.input.title = me.submit.title = status;				if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {					if (!results[0].geometry) return;					var viewport = results[0].geometry.viewport;					gex.view.setToBoundsView(new geo.Bounds(					viewport.getSouthWest(),					viewport.getNorthEast()), {						aspectRatio: 1.0					});					me.submit.style.background = 'green';				} else {					me.submit.style.background = 'red';				}			});		}		return me;	}	/* utilities */	var util = {		add: function (a, b, c) {			c = c || {};			a = document.createElement(a);			util.extend(a, c);			b.appendChild(a);			return a		},		extend: function (a,  {			for (var c in  "object" === typeof b[c] && null !== b[c] && a[c] ? util.extend(a[c], b[c]) : a[c] = b[c]		},		listen: function (a, b, c) {			a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, c)		},		px: function () {			for (var a = 0, b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++)			a += parseInt(arguments[b]);			return a + "px"		},		bbox: function (a) {			for (var b = a.offsetLeft, c = a.offsetTop, d = a.offsetParent;			d && d != document.body.parentNode;)			isFinite(d.offsetLeft) && isFinite(d.offsetTop) && (b += d.offsetLeft, c += d.offsetTop), d = d.offsetParent;			return {				left: b,				top: c,				width: a.offsetWidth,				height: a.offsetHeight			}		}	};		   									//  This is the Portion That will not Load .............. Hope it helps 											google.setOnLoadCallback(function add() {		google.earth.createInstance('map3d', function(pluginInstance) {			ge = pluginInstance;						gex = new GEarthExtensions(pluginInstance);		  						gex.util.lookAt([1, 1], { range: 100000, tilt: 0});						// create start and end placemark			var rulerColor = '#fc0';						var placemarkOptions = {			  style: {				icon: {				  color: rulerColor,				  stockIcon: 'paddle/wht-stars',				  hotSpot: { left: '50%', bottom: 0 }				}			  }			};						var startPlacemark = gex.dom.addPointPlacemark([0, -1], placemarkOptions);			var endPlacemark = gex.dom.addPointPlacemark([0, 1], placemarkOptions);						// create the distance updater function			var _updateDistance = function() {			  document.getElementById('distance').innerHTML =				  '~' +				  (new geo.Point(startPlacemark.getGeometry()).distance(					new geo.Point(endPlacemark.getGeometry())) / 22229.344).toFixed(1) +				  ' mi';			};						// create the line placemark			var linePlacemark = gex.dom.addPlacemark({			  lineString: {				path: [startPlacemark.getGeometry(),					   endPlacemark.getGeometry()],				altitudeMode: ge.ALTITUDE_CLAMP_TO_GROUND,				tessellate: true			  },			  style: {				line: { color: rulerColor, opacity: 0.5, width: 3 }			  }			});						// make them draggable			var dragOptions = {			  bounce: false,			  dragCallback: function() {				linePlacemark.setGeometry(					gex.dom.buildLineString({					  path: [startPlacemark.getGeometry(),							 endPlacemark.getGeometry()],					  altitudeMode: ge.ALTITUDE_CLAMP_TO_GROUND,					  tessellate: true					}));								// update the distance on drag				_updateDistance();			  }			};						// show start distance			_updateDistance();						gex.edit.makeDraggable(startPlacemark, dragOptions);			gex.edit.makeDraggable(endPlacemark, dragOptions);		  }, function() {});		});		/* ]]> */		</script>		</head>		<body>		  <div id="map3d_container" style="width: 1000px; height: 500px;">			<div id="map3d" style="height: 100%"></div>			<input type="button" id="add" value="Ruler" onclick="add()" style="width:150px;" 	title="Insert Ruler">		  </div>		  <p><strong>Distance: </strong><span id="distance">N/A</span></p>		</body>		</html>


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