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text embedded as images, disabling context menu on right click etc.


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Some parts of the text on my website are embedded as transparent png-images (like titles of the menu and my e-mail address on the contact-page). Now I don’t want them to be recognized as images: context menu on right click, possibility of drag-and-drop etc. Do you know a way of e.g. making them part of the background (without losing their functionality as menu titles or links)? Just disabling the typical handling of images.

Thanks for your help!


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You can set them as a background image using CSS and give the element a specific width and height, but I recommend against using images for text at all. Search engines can't read them and even if you provide an alt text for the image they're given very little importance by search engines. Links and headings are especially important if you want your site to have a good rank on search engines. It's also important to use actual text instead of images for users who have text-only browsers, or users who are using screen readers because they have difficulty seeing.


If you want a particular font on your page, use web fonts. You upload the font files on the server and call them with CSS. Remember that some browsers don't support certain kinds of font files, so upload the same font with a few different file formats.

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