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Need help with 3 image slideshow JavaScript


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a. Select one of the images to load automatically when the web page loads by modifying the HTML and placing a file name in the empty src property of the img tag with id="img2"b. Using JavaScript write the necessary functions to start the slideshow automatically and continuously cycle through the selected images displaying each one for 5 seconds.I don't know what I'm missing in my coding to make it work?Here's my entire websitehttp://jsfiddle.net/eqkhgxcL/

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Is this a Javascript assignment or a jQuery assignment? You probably shouldn't be mixing them both, especially if you're still learning.


You need to start with the basics. To begin with, do you know how to set the src property of an image element?

It's just one line of code. You can't move on until you're able to do that.

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It's a mix of both but for this certain part it has to be only JavaScript


Source Code


<img id="img2" src="batsignal.jpg">


JS Code



function preloadImages(){ var pictures = g.batmanImages.concat(g.batmanImages, g.signImages); var tempImage = new Image(); for (var i=0; i<pictures.length; i++){ tempImage.src = pictures; }}function slideShow(){ if (g.slideShow){ clearInterval(g.slideShow); g.slideShow = null; } else { g.slideShow = setInterval(changeSlide,5000); }}function changeSlide(){ g.slideCtr++; if (g.slideCtr > g.batmanImages.length-1){ g.slideCtr = 0; } img2.src = g.batmanImages[g.slideCtr]; g.img2 = document.getElementById("img2"); g.slideShow = 0; g.slideCtr = 0; g.x = null; g.y = null; g.objX = null; g.objY = null;}g.img2.onclick = slideShow;g.batmanImages = ["batsignal.jpg", "batmobile.jpg", "batmanflying.jpg"];

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