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validation errors


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Validation Output: 7 Errors

  1. Hi people,
  2. I need help resolving this errors.I have else where online and none is making any sense.I got seven errors.I'll also attach my notepad++ file.The errors are listed below:
  3. error.png Line 23, Column 79: Saw a form start tag, but there was already an active form element. Nested forms are not allowed. Ignoring the tag.
    <form action="http://www.santarosa.edu/cgi-bin/misc/formmail.pl" method="post">

  4. error.png Line 43, Column 95: Duplicate ID url.
    …Web page address:</label> <input type="text" name="url" id="url" size="60"></p>

  5. warning.png Line 38, Column 94: The first occurrence of ID url was here.
    …>Web page address:</label><input type="text" name="url" id="url" size="60"></p>

  6. error.png Line 87, Column 7: End tag form seen, but there were open elements.

  7. error.png Line 22, Column 22: Unclosed element section.
    <section id="content">

  8. error.png Line 13, Column 20: Unclosed element div.
    <div id="container">

  9. error.png Line 12, Column 18: Unclosed element div.
    <div id="wrapper">

  10. error.png Line 87, Column 7: Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.

Source Listing

Below is the source input I used for this validation:

  1. [*]<!DOCTYPE html> [*]<html lang="en"> [*]<head> [*]<meta charset="utf-8"> [*]<title>Feedback Form</title> [*]<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="form.css"> [*]</head> [*] [*] [*]<body> [*]<form action="
http://www.santarosa.edu/cgi-bin/misc/formmail.pl" method="post"> [*]<div id="wrapper"> [*]<div id="container"> [*] [*] [*]<header> [*]<h1>Apps Survey</h1> [*]<h2>Feedback Form</h2> [*]</header> [*] [*] [*]<section id="content"> [*]<form action="http://www.santarosa.edu/cgi-bin/misc/formmail.pl" method="post"> [*]<input name="recipient" id="recipient" type="hidden" value="s.jeke@hotmail.com"> [*]<input type="hidden" name="subject" id="subject" value="apps survey"> [*]<input type="hidden" name="required" id="required" value="first, last, email, url, gender"> [*]<input type="hidden" name="redirect" id="redirect" value="http://student.santarosa.edu/~dmcwilli/assign14/thanks.html"> [*] [*] [*] [*]<p>Please enter the information requested, if you have a problem with the form feel free to send me a note:<a href="mailto:s.jeke@hotmail.com">s.jeke@hotmail.com</a> </p> [*] [*]<fieldset> [*]<legend>Contact Information</legend> [*]<p><label for="first">First Name:</label><input name="first" type="text" id="first" size="60"></p> [*]<p><label for="last">Last Name:</label><input name="last" type="text" id="last" size="60"></p> [*]<p><label for="email">Email:</label><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="60"></p> [*]<p><label for="url">Web page address:</label><input type="text" name="url" id="url" size="60"></p> [*]</fieldset> [*] [*]<fieldset> [*]<legend>Personal Information</legend> [*]<p><label for="url">Web page address:</label> <input type="text" name="url" id="url" size="60"></p> [*]<p>Gender: [*]<input name="gender" id="genderM" type="radio" value="male"> <label for="genderM">Male </label> [*]<input name="gender" id="genderF" type="radio" value="female"><label for="genderF"> Female</label> [*]</p> [*]<p>Disability type: [*]<input name="disability_type" id="disabledP" type="radio" value="spinalcord_injured"> <label for="disabledP">Spinalcord Injured</label> [*]<input name="disability_type" id="disabledV" type="radio" value="blind"> <label for="disabledV">Blind</label> [*]</p> [*]<p>Occupation: [*]<input name="occupation" id="userS" type="radio" value="student"> <label for="disabledP">Student</label> [*]<input name="occupation" id="userP" type="radio" value="parents"> <label for="disabledV">Parents</label> [*]</fieldset> [*] [*] [*]<fieldset> [*]<legend>List of Apps</legend> [*]<p>Select the type of app that has really improved your productivity in an academic environment:<br> [*]<input type="checkbox" name="notability" id="notability" value="yes"> <label for="notability">Notability</label><br> [*]<input type="checkbox" name="pages" id="pages" value="yes"> <label for="pages">Pages</label><br> [*]<input type="checkbox" name="noteplus" id="noteplus" value="yes"> <label for="noteplus">Noteplus</label><br> [*]<input type="checkbox" name="google_calendar" id="google_calendar" value="yes"> <label for="google_calendar">Google Calendar</label></p> [*] [*] [*]<p>What is the cost?<br> [*]<select name="cost" id="cost"> [*]<option value="1-2">1-2 dollars</option> [*]<option value="2-3">2-3 dollars</option> [*]<option value="3-4">3-4 dollars</option> [*]<option value="5+">5+ dollars</option> [*]</select> [*]</p> [*] [*] [*]<p><label for="textarea">Why do you like using it?Do you have any other ideas in how that mobile application can be improved?:</label><br> [*]<textarea name="textarea" id="textarea" rows="20" cols="60"></textarea> [*]</p> [*] [*]</fieldset> [*] [*]<p> [*]<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit Feedback"> [*]<input name="" type="reset" value="Clear Form"> [*]</p> [*]</form> [*] [*]<p> [*]<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">HTML checker</a> [*]<a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer"> [*]CSS checker</a> [*]</p> [*] [*] [*]</section> [*]</div> [*]</div> [*]</body> [*]</html>


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You have a <form> element right after your <body> tag that doesn't need to be there.


You can't have two different elements with the same ID attribute. IDs can only occur once in a document. Your "Web page address" form field is repeated twice, once in the "contact information" section and once in the "personal information" section. Remove one of them.


Some of the other errors are just a side effect of the first few errors.

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