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Damsel in Distress! Php not sending contact info to my email


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I just tested your contact form. Your server is not executing PHP, it's just sending the actual source code back to Flash.


The response I'm getting also looks like it was created in a word processor, the angle brackets are escaped and it's using fancy quotation marks. Here's a sample:

<?php$contact_name = $_POST[‘name’];$contact_email = $_POST[‘email’];$contact_subject = $_POST[’subject’];$contact_message = $_POST[‘message’];
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The files are just fine. It's the ones on your server that have been modified.


First, can your server execute PHP?

Secondly, did you try to modify any of the PHP files before or after uploading them?

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From the information I'm getting on your website, the file has been modified using a word processor or something similar instead of a proper code editor, which means it's no longer being interpreted as code.

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Foxy mod, did you go to flashmo?


I don't own flashmo.com


Did you download the files from the flashmo link i gave you?




You will see that ORIGINAL files are that way. I haven't changed anything. I put them on my yahoo hosted page just as they are straight from flashmo!

Edited by noob_boob
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