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JavaScript SVG change use attribute


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Hello, I would like to have script that will highlight row and column on SVG. I've done something like this:

<html><body>  <svg id="svg_img" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100">    <rect id="vbox_0" x="0" y="0" width="20" height="100" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="vbox_1" x="20" y="0" width="20" height="100" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="vbox_2" x="40" y="0" width="20" height="100" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="vbox_3" x="60" y="0" width="20" height="100" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="vbox_4" x="80" y="0" width="20" height="100" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="hbox_0" x="0" y="0" width="100" height="20" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="hbox_1" x="0" y="20" width="100" height="20" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="hbox_2" x="0" y="40" width="100" height="20" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="hbox_3" x="0" y="60" width="100" height="20" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <rect id="hbox_4" x="0" y="80" width="100" height="20" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />    <script>      var         svg = document.getElementById('svg_img'),         pt = svg.createSVGPoint(),         hbox_prev = '',         vbox_prev = '';			      svg.addEventListener('mouseout', function(evt)      {        if (hbox_prev != '')        {          box = document.getElementById(hbox_prev);          box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');          box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');        };        hbox_prev = '';        if (vbox_prev != '')        {          box = document.getElementById(vbox_prev);          box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');          box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');        };        vbox_prev = '';      }, false);		      svg.addEventListener('mousemove',function(evt)      {        var loc = cursorPoint(evt);			        var box_id = 'hbox_' + Math.floor(loc.y / 20);        var box = document.getElementById(box_id);        box.setAttribute('fill', 'red');        box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.5');        if ((hbox_prev != '') && (hbox_prev != box_id))         {          box = document.getElementById(hbox_prev);          box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');          box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');        };			        hbox_prev = box_id;        box_id = 'vbox_' + Math.floor(loc.x / 20);        box = document.getElementById(box_id);        box.setAttribute('fill', 'red');        box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.5');        if ((vbox_prev != '') && (vbox_prev != box_id))         {          box = document.getElementById(vbox_prev);          box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');          box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');        };        vbox_prev = box_id;      }, false);      function cursorPoint(evt)      {        pt.x = evt.clientX;         pt.y = evt.clientY;        return pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());      }    </script>	  </svg></body></html>

And it's working. But I'm trying to use defs and I don't know how to change fill, fill-opacity attributes with use element.

<html><body><svg id="svg_img" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 100 100">  <defs>    <rect id="box" x="0" y="0" width="20" height="20" stroke="grey" stroke-width="1" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.1" />  </defs>    <use id="vbox_0" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(1, 5)" />  <use id="vbox_1" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(20)" />  <use id="vbox_2" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(40)" />  <use id="vbox_3" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(60)" />  <use id="vbox_4" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(80)" />    <use id="hbox_0" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(5, 1)" />  <use id="hbox_1" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 20)" />  <use id="hbox_2" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 40)" />  <use id="hbox_3" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 60)" />  <use id="hbox_4" xlink:href="#box" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 80)" />    <script>    var       svg = document.getElementById('svg_img'),       pt = svg.createSVGPoint(),        box = SVGRectElement,       hbox_prev = '',       vbox_prev = '';          svg.addEventListener('mouseout', function(evt)    {      if (hbox_prev != '')      {        box = document.getElementById(hbox_prev);        box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');        box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');      };            hbox_prev = '';            if (vbox_prev != '')      {        box = document.getElementById(vbox_prev);        box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');        box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');      };            vbox_prev = '';    }, false);        svg.addEventListener('mousemove',function(evt)    {      var loc = cursorPoint(evt);            var box_id = 'hbox_' + Math.floor(loc.y / 20);      box = svg.getElementById(box_id);      box.setAttribute('fill', 'red');      box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.5');            if ((hbox_prev != '') && (hbox_prev != box_id))       {        box = svg.getElementById(hbox_prev);        box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');        box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');      };            hbox_prev = box_id;            box_id = 'vbox_' + Math.floor(loc.x / 20);      box = svg.getElementById(box_id);      box.setAttribute('fill', 'red');      box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.5');            if ((vbox_prev != '') && (vbox_prev != box_id))       {        box = svg.getElementById(vbox_prev);        box.setAttribute('fill', 'white');        box.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.1');      };            vbox_prev = box_id;    }, false);    function cursorPoint(evt)    {      pt.x = evt.clientX;       pt.y = evt.clientY;      return pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());    }  </script></svg></body></html>

Is there a way to change use element attribute?


Best regards

Jacek Q.

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It doesn't work. If you save second example and open it in browser then move cursor over image and choose check element you will see something like this

<use id="vbox_1" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(20)" xlink:href="#box"></use><use id="vbox_2" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(40)" xlink:href="#box"></use><use id="vbox_3" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(60)" xlink:href="#box"></use><use id="vbox_4" transform="scale(1, 5) translate(80)" xlink:href="#box" fill="red" fill-opacity="0.5"></use><use id="hbox_0" transform="scale(5, 1)" xlink:href="#box"></use><use id="hbox_1" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 20)" xlink:href="#box"></use><use id="hbox_2" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 40)" xlink:href="#box"></use><use id="hbox_3" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 60)" xlink:href="#box"></use><use id="hbox_4" transform="scale(5, 1) translate(0, 80)" xlink:href="#box" fill="red" fill-opacity="0.5"></use>

But there are no red boxes on the image :(

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