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reassign id deleted


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Hello I am a beginner of php language and I have so many problems to solve.
One of these is reallocating id erased in a mysql table: I delete a row and when I try to insert a new row, mysql jumps id deleted and assigns a next; how can I avoid it? Thanks for your time and sorry for my english. :sorry:
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You can't easily solve that and it's a good idea not to try to.


An ID is a unique identifier of something. If you delete something and put something else in its place, permanent links to pages with that ID will now show something they weren't supposed to.


Look at this page: w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=52696

The ID is 52696. If, for some reason, this topic is deleted and another one is put in its place, then anybody who used to link to it are now linking to something completely unrelated.

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