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How do you lock scrolling directions and horizontal / vertical position with css/javascript


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I have three canvasses on my web page as illustrated here:

https://www.dropbox....um/ccs.png?dl=0I've been trying to control how they are positioned and scrolled.Grey Canvas:Is locked to the top of the web page and only scrolls horizontally.Brown Canvas:Is locked to the left side of the web page and only scrolls verticallyBlue Canvas:Is free to scroll horizontally and vertically.As the blue canvas scrolls vertically so does the Brown Canvas.As the blue canvas scrolls horizontally so does the Grey Canvas.The z-index is shown so as to illustrate how objects are stacked.

<html>	<head>		<style type='text/css'>		canvas.headerCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			height:50px;			width:1000px;			background-color:grey; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:2;		}		canvas.leftCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			height:950px;			width:50px;			background-color:yellow; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:1;		}		canvas.bodyCanvas {			position:fixed;			top:0;			left:0;			display:block;			height:1000px;			width:1000px;			background-color:blue; /* just for testing, delete later */			border:3px red solid; /* just for testing, delete later */			z-index:0;		}		</style>	</head>	<body>		<canvas id='CanvasH' class='headerCanvas'></canvas>		<canvas id='CanvasL' class='leftCanvas'></canvas>		<canvas id='CanvasB' class='bodyCanvas'></canvas>	</body></html>

What I'm trying to figure out is how to trap the scroll event for the main canvas, then I can position the others manually... I think.

It has been suggested that a flexbox might be a more appropriate object than a canvas but I don't know much about them.


Any help is appreciated.






Edited by BJOBrien
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Some events can bubble up through the DOM tree, like for a click event. A click event would fire on the element you click on and then every parent element, that is bubbling. The opposite of that is event capturing. I don't think that would apply to a scroll event though, because the event would only apply to the one element being scrolled.

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