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Returning response from an asynchronous call


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I've been messing about with TinyMCE which is a text editor you can use on web forms.


I've created a plugin which uses image from EmojiOne which allows me to insert SVG emojis into the text. It works okay so far.


This is a test - click an icon at the bottom to insert an emoji: https://oracle101.co.uk/test-mce.php


The emojis that are loaded under each icon are defined in a 2 dimensional javascript array - e.g. in the "var = d" bit here:




I want to use AJAX to get that data from an an external page, which spits the data out in the right format - e.g.









The problem I have hit up against is that when making an ajax call in JS it's not possible to assign the response from the call to a variable, at least, I can't work out how to do it.


I've read quite a bit about it on Stack Overflow - e.g.




I did get a solution via:

function getURL(url){
return $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: url,
cache: false,
async: false

var data = getURL("emoji.php?cat=emoticons_travel_places");

But found out that using async: false is deprecated and should not be used.
So I'm trying to work out how to do it the "proper" way, if one exists...
I can't rewrite the plugin code to sit inside the XHR.send either because then the plugin isn't recognised when TinyMCE loads - e.g.
// Sends a low level Ajax request
url: 'emoji.php?cat=emoticons_travel_places',
var foo = text;
tinymce.PluginManager.add("emoticons_travel_places", function(a, B) {
function c() {
var a;
return a = '<table role="list" class="mce-grid">', tinymce.each(d, function© {
a += "<tr>", tinymce.each(c, function© {
var d = b + "/img/" + c + ".svg";
a += '<td><a href="#" data-mce-url="' + d + '" data-mce-alt="' + c + '" tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-label="' + c + '"><img src="' + d + '" style="width:30px; height:30px" role="presentation" /></a></td>'
}), a += "</tr>"
}), a += "</table>"
var d = ...get from XHR.send;
a.addButton("emoticons_travel_places", {
type: "panelbutton",
panel: {
role: "application",
autohide: !0,
html: c,
onclick: function(B) {
var c = a.dom.getParent(b.target, "a");
c && (a.insertContent('<img src="' + c.getAttribute("data-mce-url") + '" width="30" height="30" title="' + c.getAttribute("data-mce-alt") + '" />'), this.hide())
tooltip: "Emoticons - Travel & Places"

The Stack Overflow thread talks about using "promises" and "callbacks" but I'm just about hitting the limit of my skills here and have tried asking elsewhere so I thought I'd ask here too!

Any advice much appreciated.
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