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A store SE optimization in process


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just when i was all set to go, i found that google did not crawl any of my pages that are under a sub-directory, this hit me like a thunder-storm. all of my informational pages are inside sub-folders. and the urls' likewww.site.com/folder/file.phpwww.site.com/yfolder/yfile.phpwww.site.com/xxxx/xxx.phpand so on and onis there anything special needed to tell google, that i do have pages elsewhere on my site. there trilions of other sites listed with sub-foldes. is there anything needed to be done. i have sitemap and everything else. thanks :)

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do you have links to these files in subfolders from top level pages? Google will go to the first page of your site and follow the links that it finds.A good way to improve google ranking is to create a sitemap that links to every page in your site then link it to the index page.

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just after reading a few articles i have leant much, and resaerched keyowrds, sortened them a bit and added words that match their criteria. but these humble spacer gif's are coming in my way to better optmize and improve website performance. results from page speed test reports incidicate excessive use of images whereby i have very few. but then all of a sudden these spacer gif's came into my mind, they are all over my site, could this be increasing page load time. i am sure they are. these codes appear more times than needed: 22 times in the homepage itself<tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td> </tr>what is the best alternative to it. usig div's<tr><td><div style="height:10px"></div></td></tr>is this the best alternative to spacer gif's,i dont want to convert my site completelty to css, will keep the tr's and td's around the div or any other code.thanks :)

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