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Horizontal menu bar problem..


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I am not very familar working with Horizontal menu bars example, how would you prevent the menu bar from resizing when the window is resized. I would like it to remain its size regardless of the window not being maximum view.ThanksJoanneBelow the html and css example is included

 <style type="text/css">#ddcolortabs{margin-left: 4px;padding: 0;width: 100%;background: transparent;voice-family: "\"}\"";voice-family: inherit;padding-left: 5px;}#ddcolortabs ul{font: bold 10px Verdana, Verdana, sans-serif;margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;}#ddcolortabs li{display:inline;margin:0 2px 0 0;padding:0;text-transform:uppercase;}#ddcolortabs a{float:left;color: white;background: #0099ff url(color_tabs_left.gif) no-repeat left top;margin:0 2px 0 0;padding:0 0 1px 3px;text-decoration:none;letter-spacing: 1px;}#ddcolortabs a span{float:left;display:block;background: transparent url(color_tabs_right.gif) no-repeat right top;padding:4px 8px 2px 6px;}#ddcolortabs a span{float:none;}#ddcolortabs a:hover{background-color: #009999;}#ddcolortabs a:hover span{background-color: #009999;}#ddcolortabs #current a, #ddcolortabs #current span{ /*currently selected tab*/background-color: #000099;}#ddcolortabsline{clear: both;padding: 0;width: 100%;height: 8px;line-height: 8px;background: #000099;border-top: 1px solid #fff; /*Remove this to remove border between bar and tabs*/}</style>

<body><div id="ddcolortabs"><ul><li style="margin-left: 1px"><a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com" title="Home"><span>Home</span></a></li><li><a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/new.htm" title="New"><span>New</span></a></li><li id="current"><a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/revised.htm" title="Revised"><span>Revised</span></a></li><li><a href="http://tools.dynamicdrive.com" title="Tools"><span>Tools</span></a></li>	<li><a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/" title="DHTML Forums"><span>Forums</span></a></li>	</ul></div><div id="ddcolortabsline"> </div><div style="margin-top: 1em; font-size: 90%">Credit: <a href="http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/">Dynamic Drive CSS library</a></div></body>

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All you really need to do is change your width on your #ddvolortabs style to pixels instead of percentages... like so:

#ddcolortabs{margin-left: 4px;padding: 0;width: 500px;background: transparent;voice-family: "\"}\"";voice-family: inherit;padding-left: 5px;}

You can change it to whatever you want, right now I have it set to 500px, but you can adjust it yourself. Percentages are just like a rubber-band, the more you stretch your browser the more your rubber-band is going to stretch... meh, that wasn't a good analogy, but you get the point :):)

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