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help w/ front page asp form


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I am doing an internship for a department in a large university, and I've been given a project of making a form for employees to sign up for an upcoming event using their intranet. My supervisor wants the results emailed to 2 different addresses (both provided by the user when they fill out the form) and also added to a database. They use front page, and their intranet lives on a terminal server- there are no web extensions or anything installed. Can anyone tell me if it's possible to make this form act the way they want it to act without installing some sort of web extensions? I'm thinking no, but I want to be sure before I make a suggestion to install something. Any help or insight here would be appreciated. This should be a simple task, but I've never worked in an intranet environment before.

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I don;t know FrontPage...because Frontpage is a piece of crap.Is it a requirement for you to use it (or a better question, do you know how to code by hand?)?you will need at a minimum the ability to server up ASP pages.

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I don;t know FrontPage...because Frontpage is a piece of crap.Is it a requirement for you to use it (or a better question, do you know how to code by hand?)?you will need at a minimum the ability to server up ASP pages.

I'm being forced to use Front Page. Anyone who's even slightly interested in web design/ programming wouldn't touch that archaic piece of *bleeeeeep* with a 10 foot pole. I, unfortunately, have no choice in the matter. It's like I'm asking for blood form a stone when I even mention installing anything on the server for this project, so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that trying to use anything but FrontPage might just kill 'em all.I can code by hand, to some extent. Definately not to the extent that I'd need to be able to make the form jump through hoops. But I could make the form by hand... :)
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You shouldn't necessarily need to do anything special to have it run on an intranet. The only thing you might run into is email, the intranet server you are running this on will need to be setup to either send mail out on the internet or send it to a server that can. Unless there is another intranet email server, I guess it would be possible to use that if the addresses are only accessed on the intranet.

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You shouldn't necessarily need to do anything special to have it run on an intranet.  The only thing you might run into is email, the intranet server you are running this on will need to be setup to either send mail out on the internet or send it to a server that can.  Unless there is another intranet email server, I guess it would be possible to use that if the addresses are only accessed on the intranet.

I'm not sure... the intranet lives on a terminal server. my best understanding is that when an employee goes to a page on the intranet, it's just calling up a file from that server. So you're saying that the asp pages created in front page should work on that server, without installing the front page server extensions?
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I've never used FrontPage, or the server extensions. But you can write ASP pages that work just fine without using anything FrontPage. So if they require you to use FrontPage, then you can require them to either support the server extensions, if that's what you need to use, or let you use your own software to write the ASP. But ASP pages are ASP pages, I don't know if FrontPage adds its own little goodies that the server needs special support to run, but as far as I know it doesn't matter what you create the code in, as long as it is ASP and the server can execute ASP code. Just make sure that the server has access to send whatever email it needs to, that should be the only question with an intranet server.

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