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string length


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HiI'm trying to calculate the length of a string. Take the length divide it by 60, which will give me how many substrings I'll need.so for example say I have this:

<title>	 <para>			This is a para in which things are being type for an example in which somthing is to be done....	 </para></title>

How would I use the fn:string-length()?I guess what I want to do would look kind of like this, however I don't think it'll work exatly the same in xslt.Heres kind of what it would look like in java

int count = STRING.length();int num = count / 10;int start = 0;int end = 9;for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){		  x[] = STRING.substring(start, end);		  start = end + 1;		  end = end + 10;}

I think this is KIND of how it would look in xslt, minus the things I don't know :-/

<xsl variable name = string select = title/para/text() /><xsl variable name = start select = 0 /><xsl variable name = end select = 10 /><fn:string-length($string)>	 => store to some value called temp<!-- xslt code here -->			   => temp / 10 -> store to some value call num<choose> <!-- not sure if this will act like a for loop.  I doubt it, so I'll probably need somthing else -->		 <when (some sort of seletion here not sure what)> <!-- this is where the while num != somthing -->				<myXMLtag>						 <fn:substring($string,$start,$end/>						 <xsl: variable name = start select = $start + $end />						 <xsl: variable name = end select = $end + 10 />						 <xsl: variable name = somthing select = somthing + 1 />				</myXMLtag>		 </when></choose>

I'm not sure if what I'm trying to do is even possible :) Any direction or insite would be much appricated.

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I've played with it a bit more and my xslt is starting to look like this...

	<xsl:param name = "start">1</xsl:param>	<xsl:param name = "end">60</xsl:param>	<xsl:param name = "ln">1</xsl:param>		<xsl:template match="floordoc/bill/title" name="intro">		<xsl:variable name = "num" select="string-length(floordoc/bill/title/para/text())" />				<ttl>			<line number='$ln'>				<xsl:choose>					<xsl:when test="$end > $num">						<xsl:value-of select="substring(floordoc/bill/title/para/text(),$start)"/>					</xsl:when>					<xsl:otherwise>						<xsl:value-of select="substring(floordoc/bill/title/para/text(),$start,60)"/>					</xsl:otherwise>				</xsl:choose>			</line>			<xsl:call-template name="intro">				<xsl:with-param name = "start" select='$start+60'/>				<xsl:with-param name = "end" select='$end+60'/>				<xsl:with-param name = "ln" select= '$ln+1'/>			</xsl:call-template>		</ttl>	</xsl:template>

Am I off in the right direction?

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I got it to work. Here is my final solution to the code

	<xsl:template match="title" name="intro">		<xsl:param name = "start" select="1" />		<xsl:param name = "end" select="60" />		<xsl:param name = "ln" select="1" />		<xsl:variable name="num" select="string-length(//floordoc/bill/title/para)" />					<xsl:choose>				<xsl:when test="$end > $num">					<line number='{$ln}'>						<xsl:value-of select="substring(//floordoc/bill/title/para,$start)"/>					</line>				</xsl:when>				<xsl:otherwise>					<line number='{$ln}'>						<xsl:value-of select="substring(//floordoc/bill/title/para,$start,60)"/>					</line>					<xsl:call-template name="intro">						<xsl:with-param name = "start" select='$start+60'/>						<xsl:with-param name = "end" select='$end+60'/>						<xsl:with-param name = "ln" select= '$ln+1'/>					</xsl:call-template>				</xsl:otherwise>			</xsl:choose>		</xsl:template>

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