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iframe problem!


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Hello, i search 1 day in google, but i can find a solution for my problem...., i need help urgent! i got a picture in my iframe, if u click on that picture, it will link to the URL webpage. I don't want to open the link inside the the iframe, i want it to open full screen. Can somebody help me?Thanks.

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Hi,Put the picture of IFrame in a anchor tag and set the target attribute of the anchor tag to "_parent". THis should work.

<a href="http://w3schools.invisionzone.com" target="_parent"><img src="<YOUR IMAGE PATH"/> </a>

But are you using iframe only to show the picture or is there any other content.If it is being used to show the pciture then there is no point using the iframe you can use the img straight away inyour web Page.

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Hi,Put the picture of IFrame in a anchor tag and set the target attribute of the anchor tag to "_parent". THis should work.
<a href="http://w3schools.invisionzone.com" target="_parent"><img src="<YOUR IMAGE PATH"/> </a>

But are you using iframe only to show the picture or is there any other content.If it is being used to show the pciture then there is no point using the iframe you can use the img straight away inyour web Page.

Chandu..., u can see my example.. http://www.tipfun.com/nuffnang/pull.php , it is a link, but u click it, the new url open the webpage in the same iframe! .... i want it to open it to full screen size.
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Jumped to wrong conclusion in my previous post: the problem is within the page that is the iframe target. It is the link in there that needs to specify target="_parent". So it looks as though you need to change

<a href="http://www.tipfun.com"


<a href="http://www.tipfun.com" target="_parent"

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Hi,I have clicked on the "CLick Here" link and also on the Image, both of which are taking me to the required page which opens in the same window.What the problem you are talking about?Can you explain?Hi,I have clicked on the "CLick Here" link and also on the Image, both of which are taking me to the required page which opens in the same window.What the problem you are talking about?Can you explain?

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