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How to check if thread ID exists in multi-threading


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First Test:

public class FirstTest extends GridSessionBase {

	public void test1() {
		System.out.println("First test");


Second Test:

public class SecondTest extends GridSessionBase{

    public void test1() {
        System.out.println("Second test");



public class GridSessionBase{
	WebDriver driver;
    // invoked once before executing each @Test method
	public void beforeMethod(Method method) {
		System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "Automation_Tools\\ChromeDriver\\chromedriver.exe");
		driver = new ChromeDriver();

		SessionId s = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getSessionId();
		System.out.println("Before method session ID: " + s);		
        long id = Thread.currentThread().getId();
		System.out.println("Before method thread ID: " + id);		

// all the tests are calling this method.
public synchronized void printSessionThreadID() {
		SessionId s = ((RemoteWebDriver) driver).getSessionId();
		System.out.println("Session ID: " + s);		
        long id = Thread.currentThread().getId();
		System.out.println("Thread ID: " + id);	

		// if session id and thread id match
//		if() {
//			// print class name and test method name of the caller
//		}		

XML file to run the tests in parallel:

Below I have two <test> tags. It means all the TestNG methods listed in each <test> tag will run in the same thread. Test1 will run in one thread and Test2 will run in another thread. Both <test> tags will run in parallel. 

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "https://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Access Regression Suite" parallel="tests">

	<test name="Test1">
			<class name="GridSessionJava.FirstTest"/>

	<test name="Test2">
			<class name="GridSessionJava.FirstTest" />
			<class name="GridSessionJava.SecondTest" />

When I run xml file, here is the output:


Before method session ID: 9b993ec9e1e67b2dd9775d398ed974fb
Before method session ID: 7261a9b1dbadaf149f72b38c4355375e
Before method thread ID: 18
Before method thread ID: 19
First test
Session ID: 9b993ec9e1e67b2dd9775d398ed974fb
Thread ID: 18
First test
Session ID: 7261a9b1dbadaf149f72b38c4355375e
Thread ID: 19
Starting ChromeDriver 105.0.5195.52 (412c95e518836d8a7d97250d62b29c2ae6a26a85-refs/branch-heads/5195@{#853}) on port 59998
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/security-considerations for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Sep 26, 2022 9:54:19 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ProtocolHandshake createSession
INFO: Detected upstream dialect: W3C
Sep 26, 2022 9:54:19 AM org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpVersionFinder findNearestMatch
WARNING: Unable to find an exact match for CDP version 105, so returning the closest version found: 104
Sep 26, 2022 9:54:19 AM org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpVersionFinder findNearestMatch
INFO: Found CDP implementation for version 105 of 104
Before method session ID: 6ca9632512259997c7c59c02509892fb
Before method thread ID: 19
Second test
Session ID: 6ca9632512259997c7c59c02509892fb
Thread ID: 19


printSessionThreadID() is being called three times. In printSessionThreadID() method, I like to know which test is calling this method. How do I write if statement in printSessionThreadID() method to check if session ID and thread ID match(or just matching thread ID) and print a message afterward?


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