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Replace a substring in a string and return the whole string....how do you do it?


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The following code is not working as I intuitivel expect it to...

$nI = strpos($strText, "'");
$strText = substr_replace($strText, "XXXX", $nI);
echo $strText

$strText contains "Greg's Native Landscapes"
After the call to substr_replace $strText contains GregXXXX
I am expecting it to contain "GregXXXXs Native Landscapes"
So how the devil is this function working?
And how do I obtain the result I am expecting?

This function is unbelievably confusing!
If I do this instead:

$nI = strpos($strText, "'");
$strText = substr_replace($strText, "XXXX", 100);
echo $strText

I get "Greg's Native LandscapeXXXX".
Am I really going to have to code my own string library with functions that behave in the ways I am accustomed to!

Edited by gregaryb
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To achieve your initial goal, try this:

substr_replace("Greg's Native Landscapes","XXXX",4, 1);

4 represents the position as defined in your $n1 variable, and 1 represents the 'length' of characters to replace, which in this instance only 1, the apostrophe. 

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