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Infinite loop due to return value if strpos(....), why?


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I am at a total loss as to why this is causing an infinite loop.

I just don't understand what it it that strpos is returning when it fails to find the sibstring!

How do I make this loop work?


	function StrReplace($strText, $strFind, $strReplace)
		$nI = strpos($strText, $strFind);
		if ($nI !== FALSE)
			$strLeft = substr($strText, 0, $nI);
			$strRight = substr($strText, $nI + 1);
			$strText = $strLeft . $strReplace . $strRight;
echo "#############<br>";
echo "strText=".$strText."<br>";
echo "strLef =".$strLeft."<br>";
echo "strRight=".$strRight."<br>";
echo "nI=".$nI."<br>";
echo "#############<br>";
		return $strText;
	function StrFind($strText, $strFind)
		$nPos = strpos($strText, $strFind);
		if ($nPos === FALSE)
			$nPos = -1;

		return $nPos;

	function EscapeQuotes($strText)
		if (is_string($strText))
			StrFind($strText, "'");
			while (StrFind($strText, "'"))
				$strText = StrReplace($strText, "'", "#");
				echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<br>";
				echo $strText."<br>";
				echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<br>";

Why is my function StrFind(...) always returning true or greater that 1?
How do I stop it from doing that?


strText=Greg#s Native Landscapes
strLef =Greg
strRight=s Native Landscapes
Greg#s Native Landscapes
Greg#s Native Landscapes
Greg#s Native Landscapes
Greg#s Native Landscapes
Greg#s Native Landscapes
Greg#s Native Landscapes
Greg#s Native Landscapes


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The while loops keeps running because the condition is always TRUE.


$pos = StrFind($strText, "'"); //this is position 4

while($pos) //$pos starts as 4
	$strText = StrReplace($strText, "'", "#");
	echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<br>";
	echo $strText."<br>";
	echo "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@<br>";
	$pos--; //this decrements $pos in each loop until it becomes zero which is FALSE and the loop should stop.


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