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Id versus Class; is Id not Redundant?


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Dear everyone,

As a beginner, I continue to have trouble understanding the practical utility of the id-selector. Some arguments I see given in favour of the id-selector are as follows:

> Specificity: I understand id-selectors have the highest specificity, which can be useful if one wants to ensure a certain class is not overridden. But I have difficulty imagining a scenario in which this would be a true problem. If a coder overrides his own classes, does this not simply mean his code is not in order? When he overrides his own styling, at least he is alerted he needs to correct his code. In this sense, I cannot see a true utility to the id-selector; it seems but to enable sloppy code, which might produce more complicated problems later on as one's project grows more complex. No offence intended, of course.

> Targeting Unique Elements: To my understanding, a given id-selector class can be applied only once to a single instance of an html-element. I don't see a reason why one would not just create a unique class for a respective single element with its own unique and respective styling needs. I can, however, imagine the unique syntax of the id-selector makes it more perceivable and standout in a stylesheet, adding to readability. However, one can easily suggest alternatives such as applying comments, or using comments to categorise a group of classes. I personally cannot see the id-selector's role here to be thus meritorious to warrant its existence.

> JavaScript Interaction: JavaScript can work and manipulate ids, but it can manipulate and interact with classes just as easily. Is there truly a difference in what JavaScript can do with ids (in terms of CSS/styling) in comparison to what it can do with classes?

I would be most grateful if anyone can show me the practical utility of the id-selector. I continue to feel it has no true practical discerning utility compared to the class-selector, which likely indicates I have simply not understood its role properly. I have had this question for a long time, asked here and there, but could never be truly answered.




Edited by silverRainfall
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