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transform Milliseconds to minutes


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Hi all,I have a little wrong working transformation and would appriciate some help from you: For a value coming in Milliseconds I try to transform it to minutes:seconds.milliseconds with the following call-template:

<xsl:template name="processLength">	<xsl:param name="milliseconds"/>	<xsl:variable name="minutes" select=" ($milliseconds div  60000)"/>	<xsl:variable name="seconds" select="($milliseconds mod (1000*60)) div 1000"/>	<xsl:value-of select="concat(format-number($minutes, '00'), ':', format-number($seconds, '00', 'european'))"/></xsl:template>

The transformation looks nice, just the values do not fit all the time. If I have 1min29sec it is allright. If I have 1min44sec I get 2min out here. So it seems to round up from 0,5. How can I make that work correctly?Hope to hear from you soon\Loriot

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:) hihi, now I found out on my own. The solution is the floor function.So now I got working code with that:
</xsl:template><xsl:decimal-format name="european" decimal-separator=","/><xsl:template name="processLength">	<xsl:param name="milliseconds"/>	<xsl:variable name="minutes" select=" floor($milliseconds div  60000)"/>	<xsl:variable name="seconds" select="($milliseconds mod (1000*60)) div 1000"/>	<xsl:value-of select="concat(format-number($minutes, '00'), ':', format-number($seconds, '00', 'european'))"/></xsl:template>

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The floor() function can be used to remove roundings. Or to be more precise: It returns the largest integer that is not greater than the number argument.Where should you place it is another question though...either

<xsl:variable name="minutes" select="floor($milliseconds div  60000)"/>


<xsl:variable name="seconds" select="floor(($milliseconds mod (1000*60)) div 1000)"/>

or maybe both.[edit]Funny. When I posted my post, your second one wasn't there.[/edit]

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