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Javascript in XSL


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Hi all, I have a question as following:Requirement: read value(string) from XML file and write it to a HTML , and add a link to the string. The link point to a CGI program with the string as the parameter.I wrote XSL file as following:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:template match="/">...... <script language="javascript"> <![CDATA[ var infoname = ']]><xsl:value-of select="SOMETHING"/><![CDATA['; document.write("<a href=\"display?"+ infoname +"\" target=\"_blank\">" + infoname + "</a>"); ]]> </script>[/color]......It works fine in IE, but in Mozilla it failed because in "var inoname" statement, the section "CDATA" wa changed into new line after transformed to HTML.The HTML code should be var infoname = 'XXXX';but in Mozilla, the HTML looks like var infoname = 'XXXX';Can you tell me how to fix the problem or any better solution of the requirement?Thanks a lot!

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Why don't you include all of this stuff in the pure output? I mean, why do you need a script for that?Just write

<a href="display?{SOMETHING}" target="_blank"><xsl:value-of select="SOMETHING"/></a>

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Thank you very much.>

>Why don't you include all of this stuff in the pure output? I mean, why do you need a script for that?Because I did't know can use ?{SOMETHING}! It's XSLT? I'm a fish of XSLT! :) Thanks again!>Just write>
<a href="display?{SOMETHING}" target="_blank"><xsl:value-of select="SOMETHING"/></a>

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It's called "attribute value template" or AVT in short. Every attribute's value in the output or part of it can have parenthesis, which enclose an XPath expression. The value from that expression is outputted as a string and that's it. XSLT elements' attributes which return a string in the output can also use AVT. Such examples include <xsl:attribute> (another way with which you could do your thing here) and <xsl:element>.

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