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VBscript XML


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I'm trying to create a web page (duuh - as if you couldn't guess that!!) where I can use a single xml document as a temporary data store, while using various XSL sheets to navigate sections of the XML data.I've done a test on the first transform by linking it to the XML document directly :<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="blah.xsl"?>In this case it works.When I try to do this dynamically in VBscript by using the code in the tutorial on XSL- EDIT XML, the transform works (I can see the layout) but it doesn't show the values from the XML data.Can anyone help?Dooberry

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OK,I guess no-one hass had chance to read this yet so I'll out in the VBScript I am using to do the transform and someone can tell me where it's going wrong.Here it is:set xmldoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmldoc.async=true xmldoc.load("Currentquote.xml") set xsldoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xsldoc.async=true xsldoc.load("Step1.xsl") Document.Write(xmldoc.transformnode(xsldoc))This is set as a non-procedural script in the header block of an HTML page, so the script generates the page on opening. This means that a client should be able to work on the data locally, and the submission is just sending the details of the XML document to the server datastore.If I was using ASP I would have had to use the Server.Createobject Method, but as I am expecting to work locally (for the time being) I can use plain old CreateObject. Is this where I am going wrong (my brain is starting to frazzle)? :)

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All these posts and still no answers. I'll put this down to the fact that this shouldn't happen and it must be the way my company installs software.Never mind.Dooberry - The only person who will speak to me

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I use the following which works fine in java script:<html><body> <script type="text/javascript"> //Comment - To create an instance of Microsoft's XML parser with JavaScript, use the following code: var xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.async="false" //Comment - Then load the XML Document: xmlDoc.load("cd_catalogue.xml") //Comment - Same as above but then loading XSL Style Sheet: var xslDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xslDoc.async="false" xslDoc.load("cd_catalogue.xsl") //Comment - Transform xmlDoc with xslDoc and Write the output: document.write(xmlDoc.transformNode(xslDoc)) </script></body></html>I know it sound crazy, but you might want to change your transformnode function for transformNode, then I think it may work.Regards. Mike

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This is also brilliant for another reason - part of what I am doing involves a user entering data to prepare a document in varous xml stores (one for each part of the document). The user will then get a preview of the document at the end which will be a group of transforms all shown as one page (document.write will allow me to do as many transforms per page as I want). Once they're happy with the preview, the data will be transmitted to a database in its component parts.

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