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custom scrollbar, SPAN?

brotha bran

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looking for a tip on how this guys custom scroll bar was made? i looked at the source code and i'm assuming it has to do with the SPAN tag somehow, anyone know an easy way to do this for a slightly amateur coder? maybe point to a tute or something?
You could use this, but this doesn't allow you to use pictures, it just allows you to change the colours. And also it only works in IE apperently?
body { scrollbar-3dlight-color:#000000; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF; scrollbar-base-color:#000033; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#000000; scrollbar-face-color:#000066;scrollbar-track-color:#000099; scrollbar-shadow-color:#000033; }

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that's odd that it doesn't work in opera. too bad also. i was directed on another forum to this site which is very similar but the coding looks a lot less difficult. i've been told i'll need to scratch the iframes i am using currently, and use divs for this to work. but i thought div's weren't used for src :) . could someone point me in the right direction as to what i'll need to do to make this work on my website and have it being used horizontally in each of the three galleries? :)

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