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It wont work :{


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Hello :)I got a proglem, and it's getting me nuts.I'm trying to do a form, and an "onsubmit" event. Now, when the user submit the form, it tries to see if he wrote the data good.The form:

  <form action="outPost.php" method="POST" onsubmit="form_validation()" name="send" id="send" style="margin-left: 15px">	<!--Page ended: 19/6/2006 21:19 -->   <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">    <tr style="height: 35px">	 <td style="width: 175px; padding: 1px 1px 1px 10px">Sender's name:</td>	 <td style="width: 120px"><input type="text" class="sendText" style="height: 20px" name="name" id="name"></td>    </tr>    <tr style="height: 95px">	 <td valign="top" class="invBorder" style="width: 175px; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding: 1px 1px 5px 10px">Message content:</td>	 <td valign="top" class="invBorder" style="width: 150px; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding-bottom: 5px"><textarea class="sendText" rows="4" cols="50" name="content" id="content"></textarea></td>	</tr>	<tr style="height: 38px">	 <td valign="top" align="right" colspan="2" style="padding: 5px 1px 1px 1px">	  <input class="sendBotton" type="reset" value="Reset" />  	  <input class="sendBotton" type="submit" value="submit" /> 	 </td>	</tr>   </table>  </form>

The JS part:

function form_validation() { //This is the function that do the validation of the sending message form. 31/8/06 11:12	try {		if (document.send.name == "")			throw "name_error";					if (document.send.content == "")			throw "content_error";	}		catch(error) {		if (error == "name_error")			alert("You must write your name!");					if (error == "contect_error")			alert("You must add content to your post!");	}}

If you could please point out what are the mistakes I'm making.Another thing please- is there a trim function (Trims the white space from the start and the end of the string) like PHP has? If you could help, I'll be greatfull.Thanks,Yuval :)

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I had troubles with javascript many times, so there might be a simpler solution, I would try:<form ... onsubmit="form_validation(obj); return false;" ...in the form andfunction form_validation(this) {...catch(error) {if (error == "name_error")alert("You must write your name!");else if (error == "contect_error")alert("You must add content to your post!");else obj.submit();}in javascript.I don't know any direct function in JS to trim strings.

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Ok, thanks skym, the problem that I had was that I should of wrote the "value" after that "name". But I did used that "return false", thanks :).That thing I have now is that I want to do a function that disables that send bottom, I already have an idea, but I want to do the following thing:document.form.botton.disabled = TRUE/FALSE.I might miswrote that, but basicly I want to replace the "form", "botton" and "TRUE/FALSE" with varibles. Problem is that JS isn't like PHP with it's $ sign. So my question is - how can I replace those following things with varibles?(I know I had some spelling mistakes, I'm sorry. If you haven't understood me, I will try to rephrase it again).If you could please help me.. :)Thanks,Yuval :)

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If you have variables named "xoo" and "gahgah" in your javascript, and as long as they're defined, just go:document.xoo.gahgah.disabled="true".It'll work. :)

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If you have variables named "xoo" and "gahgah" in your javascript, and as long as they're defined, just go:document.xoo.gahgah.disabled="true".It'll work. :)
Well I tried to do something like that, or it was abit different, I can't remmbmer. It didn't worked.. I did something else and it did worked, nevermind :)The question that I want to ask now (If it's ok)- I have saw several sites, including IPB forum systems, that opened a popup thing.Now, I saw the W3S tutorial about popups in JS, it showed some ways such as the alert and promat box, but the one that I didn't found was an example on how to open a window popup, like when you guys write a new post, and press "BB Code Help" or "Show All" onther the smilies box.Thanks, and I'm sorry for having so many questions.Yuval
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