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text follow background image


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You could position the text onto the correct place, using pixels. When the window would move or resized, the text would stay on that position :) But text only cannot be positioned. Only block-level elements, like DIV as you mention.

...<div style="position:absolute; left:100px; top:150px">positioned text</div>
You would change the red coloured of cource to whatever position you want :)
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This wuold not do it you see:I got the HTML script saying:<div id="text">Something</div>And the CSS file saying:#text { position: absolute; top: 84px; left: 775px;}But when I make my browser window smaller, the text stay still, due to the "position: absolute;". I want it to follow the center align....

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Oh, center alignment. Then you should center align it too :) :)You should place this div at the absolute vertical position the background image is on, and inside a full-width element, to be able to just by style center align it.

<body><div id="holder"><div class="text">something</div></div>...</body>
#holder { width:100%; }#text {text-align:center;position: absolute;top: 84px;}

Another possibility to center align a block element like div, is to apply margin:auto; to it. It keeps getting recommended, but it never worked for me.

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