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shell.application namespace


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hello everyone. i'm a little confused with the results i'm obtaining from the following script:

<%CONST DIRECTORY = "/" ' relative path in virtual directories'missing file info	fileown = 8	fileat = 10' Specify one of these constants for "sortBy"...CONST FILE_NAME = 0CONST FILE_EXT = 1CONST FILE_TYPE = 2CONST FILE_SIZE = 3CONST FILE_CREATED = 4CONST FILE_MODIFIED = 5CONST FILE_ACCESSED = 6' get requested sort order, if not first time here...' (forward by name is default)req = Request("sortBy")If Len(req) < 1 Then sortBy = 0 Else sortBy = CInt(req)req = Request("priorSort")If Len(req) < 1 Then priorSort = -1 Else priorSort = CInt(req)'' did user ask for same sort? to reverse the order?' but if so, then zap priorSort so clicking again will do forward!If sortBy = priorSort Then    reverse = true    priorSort = -1Else    reverse = false    priorSort = sortByEnd If' now start the *real* code...'path = Server.MapPath( DIRECTORY )Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")  set fl = sh.Namespace( path )Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")Set theCurrentFolder = fso.GetFolder( path )Set curFiles = theCurrentFolder.Files'' And now a loop for the files'Dim theFiles( )ReDim theFiles( 500 ) ' arbitrary size!currentSlot = -1 ' start before first slot' We collect all the info about each file and put it into one' "slot" in our "theFiles" array.'For Each fileItem in curFiles    fname = fileItem.Name    fext = InStrRev( fname, "." )    If fext < 1 Then fext = "" Else fext = Mid(fname,fext+1)    ftype = fileItem.Type    fsize = fileItem.Size    fcreate = fl.GetDetailsOf(f,fileat)    'fcreate = fileItem.DateCreated    fmod = fileItem.DateLastModified    'faccess = fileItem.DateLastAccessed    faccess = fl.GetDetailsOf(f,fileow)        currentSlot = currentSlot + 1    If currentSlot > UBound( theFiles ) Then        ReDim Preserve theFiles( currentSlot + 99 )    End If    ' note that what we put here is an array!    theFiles(currentSlot) = Array(fname,fext,ftype,fsize,fcreate,fmod,faccess)Next'' files are now in the array...'' As noted, it is actually an ARRAY *OF* ARRAYS. Which makes' picking the column we will sort on easier!'' ...size and sort it...fileCount = currentSlot ' actually, count is 1 more, since we start at 0ReDim Preserve theFiles( currentSlot ) ' really not necessary...just neater!' First, determine which "kind" of sort we are doing.' (VarType=8 means "string")'If VarType( theFiles( 0 )( sortBy ) ) = 8 Then    If reverse Then kind = 1 Else kind = 2 ' sorting strings...Else    If reverse Then kind = 3 Else kind = 4 ' non-strings (numbers, dates)End If'' A simple bubble sort for now...easier to follow the code...'For i = fileCount TO 0 Step -1    minmax = theFiles( 0 )( sortBy )    minmaxSlot = 0    For j = 1 To i        Select Case kind ' which kind of sort are we doing?        ' after the "is bigger/smaller" test (as appropriate),        ' mark will be true if we need to "remember" this slot...        Case 1 ' string, reverse...we do case INsensitive!            mark = (strComp( theFiles(j)(sortBy), minmax, vb script:reSort(0);">File name</A></TH>    <TH bgcolor=#CECFCE class=normal align=center><A HREF="java script:reSort(1);">Extension</A></TH>    <TH bgcolor=#CECFCE class=normal align=center><A HREF="java script:reSort(2);">Type</A></TH>    <TH bgcolor=#CECFCE class=normal align=center><A HREF="java script:reSort(3);">Size</A></TH>    <TH bgcolor=#CECFCE class=normal align=center><A HREF="java script:reSort(4);">Author</A></TH>    <TH bgcolor=#CECFCE class=normal align=center><A HREF="java script:reSort(5);">Last modified</A></TH>    <TH bgcolor=#CECFCE class=normal align=center><A HREF="java script:reSort(6);">Author</A></TH></TR><%' With the array nicely sorted, this part is a piece of cake!For i = 0 To fileCount    Response.Write "<TR class=normal>" & vbNewLine    For j = 0 To UBound( theFiles(i) )        Response.Write "    <TD>" & theFiles(i)(j) & "</TD>" & vbNewLine    Next    Response.Write "</TR>" & vbNewLineNext%> 

in the Owner/Author items, instead of returning the info about the file, it returns the type of info, in all files!example:instead of returning this,file | owner | author |1.jpg| ember | e1brpt |2.jgp| bruno |b1brpt |it returns this:file |owner |author |1.jpg |owner |author |2.jpg |owner |author |can anyone help me correct this?thanks in advance, ember

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