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HTML forms!!!


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what is the code for matching the two specific words in 2 text fields? simular like a username and a password. and then, if those 2 words are matching, and by pressing the button down, to open! and if they don't match, not to open the page. that is for text fields, and how about check boxes and radio buttons? if the correct button or check box is selected, then by pressing the button to go to the specific page. some kind of a quiz. thanksI meant this:For example:Which is the biggest river and where is it? ______________ River |____________|_ (insert its name in the text boxes)Country |____________| ____ |ok| (press the button if you think it is correct)And if the person writes "Amazon" and "Brazil" then by pressing ok, leads him to the next question, for example!And if he writes, for instance "Nile" and "Egypt", than when he presses OK, it will link him down to the first question, for example.And the same happens with the text boxes and radio buttons. If the ringht box or button is selected, then by pressint the OK buton, he can continue, ok?

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I don't know exactly how to do what you want but I do know that you can use javascript to achieve your goal.
For example:Which is the biggest river and where is it? ____________________ River |____________|_ (insert its name in the text boxes)Country |____________| ____ |ok| (press the button if you think it is correct)And if the person writes "Amazon" and "Brazil" then by pressing ok, leads him to the next question, for example!And if he writes, for instance "Nile" and "Egypt", than when he presses OK, it will link him down to the first question, for example.And the same happens with the text boxes and radio buttons. If the ringht box or button is selected, then by pressint the OK buton, he can continue, ok?
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