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Failed to connect to smtp server


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HiI receiving following error when I’m downloading the mails in the eventum application when we download the mails. could you please tell me what may be the problem.The error message: 'Failed to connect to smtp.servername.com:110 [sMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: -1, response: POP3 Ready smtp.servername.com 00021958)]' A more detailed error message follows: '' A backtrace is available: Array( [0] => Array ( [file] => /var/www/html/eventum/include/class.mail_queue.php [line] => 177 [function] => _sendEmail [class] => Mail_Queue [type] => :: [args] => Array))

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It almost looks like the SMTP server is actually a POP3 server. But that's strange, if it connects on port 110, which is SMTP, and gets the reply "POP3 Ready", it would seem like the mail server is set up incorrectly. They may have switched the SMTP and POP3 ports. Try connecting on port 25 and see if it works. If that fixes it, the solution will be to change it back to port 110, and then fix the mail server. If you leave it connecting to the POP3 port through SMTP, someone's going to come along later, realize the problem and fix the server and then you're not going to be able to connect again.

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