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Expand / contract of tables

Guest Emma

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Hi I am very new in writing html scripts, and would apprecaite any help anyone can give me.I have a big table, and I want to contract and expand a specific number of rows on the table (keeping the same amount of columns).In other words, say for ex I have a table with 3 rows and 4 columns. Now I want to (if you click on a link that says 'more') expand row nr 2 so that if you click on it it has 4 more rows (with the same nr of columns), and if you click on it again it 'dissapears' back to the original 3 row table.I did a search for this and found some nice references to expandable / collapsable MENUS, but nothing on expandalbe and collpasable TABLES/text.Any tips?Thanks

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really holme, dont spam.. Its starting to get on my nerves -.- .You need Javascript, google dynamic javascript menus or such and you can edit it that way by changing the display of it.

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Javascript part

function toggle(id) {	var obj = "";			if(document.getElementById)			obj = document.getElementById(id);		else if(document.all)			obj = document.all[id];		else if(document.layers)			obj = document.layers[id];		else			return 1;		if (!obj) {			return 1;		}		else if (obj.style) 		{						obj.style.display = ( obj.style.display != "none" ) ? "none" : "";		}		else 		{ 			obj.visibility = "show"; 		}}

html part link to display table

<a href="java script:void('0');" onClick="java script:toggle('table1');">Show table</a>

the table

<div id="table1" style="display:none"><!-- table code here --></div>

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