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Problems setting value on a input type=text


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I have a problem with the following code:

		$getitemquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tradeitems WHERE itemid='".$_GET['itemid']."'");		$getitem=mysql_fetch_array($getitemquery);		echo "			<div class=\"header\">				<h1>EDIT AN TRADEITEM</h1>		";		echo "				<form name=additem method=post action=addtradeitem.php?action=edit&itemid=".$_GET['itemid'].">					<table border=0>						<tr>							<td width=150>Item name:</td>							<td><input type=text name=itemname size=60 value=".$getitem['itemname']."></td>						</tr>

that if the name contains a space character (" "), it only shows the first part of the name, like George Bush only displays as George. I guess I need to replace space with some symbol but well, i'm kinda limited in my knowledge of html and why the value is not showing correctly.

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huh? No you dont... anyways, im guessing your talking selecting from the url or something? If you want spaces in things like tables or something the char. code is %20, so just use one of those for one space. But where are you getting this error at?, that code is only for spaces in the url.

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No it is not in the url but in the form.

	   $getitemquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tradeitems WHERE itemid='".$_GET['itemid']."'");		$getitem=mysql_fetch_array($getitemquery);		  ...							<td><input type=text name=itemname size=60 value=".$getitem['itemname']."></td>						</tr>

Error.GIFThere is an example where it should say Lady Elizabeth... but it shops down the string to only the first word if I have spaces.nm.. I found out what it was. I forgot to put the string inside '' like this

							<td><input type=text name=itemname size=60 value='".$getitem['itemname']."'></td>

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	   $getitemquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tradeitems WHERE itemid='".$_GET['itemid']."'");		$getitem=mysql_fetch_array($getitemquery);		echo "			<div class=\"header\">				<h1>EDIT AN TRADEITEM</h1>		";		echo "				<form name=additem method=post action=addtradeitem.php?action=edit&itemid=".$_GET['itemid'].">					<table border=0>						<tr>							<td width=150>Item name:</td>							<td><input type=\"text\" name=\"itemname\" size=\"60\" value=\"".$getitem['itemname']."\"></td>						</tr>

That should do it.

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Oh, forgot qoutes, lol I hate when that happens. FYI: you might want to try and always add quotes, 1. its valid html 2. If you dont it causes errors like this3. Its alot easier to read

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