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Uniform Background across Frames?


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I posted this in the css discussion but was very unlucky when it came to responses, if anyone can help me with this I'd be much appreciative: For some reason I haven't been able to figure this out yet. I've got a very simple website that has frames. I am trying to get a background to repeat in the frames page and continue to be uniform across frames. i.e.I want this: hello hello he|llo hello helloNot this: hello hello he|hello hello helloI've tried making the backgrounds transparent and making one background on my frames page but that hasn't worked. I've tried a couple of other things but none of those worked either. If anyone has any suggestions please tell me.Thanks

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its really not goingt o be possible, unless any of the frame never scroll. For the example you gave, that can be solved using the right width combination between your image and frame sizes. Of course, you will need to consider the scrollbar as well and how that will interupt your design. But, the main reason this is not going to work with a scrollable page is that the horizontal characteristics of the graphic will not match up as you scroll down.If, for whatever reason, you absolutely have to do this, you might (I'm not sure) have to get into scrapping the frames and using scrollable <div> tags that are layered on top of one another.For instance:

<style type="text/css">(insert somone's knowledge of CSS layers)</style><div class="background"></div><div class="leftnav">Link 1<br />Link 2<br />Link 3<br />Link 4<br />etc.</div><div class="content">Mauris sit amet metus quis mauris sollicitudin feugiat. Aliquam lorem eros, porta rhoncus, euismod a, interdum sit amet, elit. Mauris condimentum adipiscing libero. Suspendisse rhoncus fringilla libero. Nam commodo, ligula sed luctus mollis, libero nunc laoreet sem, vitae mattis odio orci non quam. Donec sollicitudin, pede non condimentum varius, leo neque malesuada tortor, et sollicitudin nisi libero vitae diam. Nulla ornare arcu sed odio. Sed nonummy risus at tellus. Mauris eros leo, pharetra non, cursus ac, consectetuer vitae, enim. Aenean interdum velit sodales tellus. Pellentesque metus. Aenean nonummy lacus. Donec nunc lorem, interdum consectetuer, lobortis vulputate, tempor vitae, tellus. Curabitur lacus arcu, ornare at, vestibulum nec, faucibus ut, urna. Quisque dapibus lobortis lacus. Morbi ultrices. Sed vulputate ante nec urna. Mauris dui turpis, sagittis ac, dapibus mattis, tincidunt non, ligula.<br /></div>

I've not ventured into this concept as I believe it gets into browser specific CSS hacks - gong there is not worth it to me.In any respect, I hope that is at least a little help - maybe something to go on.

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