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Submitting Information into JS code


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Ello. My current site right now is called Death's Maze. It is where you type in your direction into a text box and click a button, then using Javascript, redirects you to a page depending on the direction you type.My problem is, what HTML coding should I use to make the button submit the text in the text box into a Javascript file.Then, what codes should I use to make it that, depending on the text, redirects you to another page.Such as, if I typed "Up" in the text box, then clicked the button, the Javascript code would read that and direct me to the second part, but if I typed anything else such as "Left", it would take me to another page as a dead end.Hope that isn't too complicated. I use PS Pad, IE, Firefox, and an external Javascript page(JS/Javascript.js)If possible, I don't want the button to bring up a prompt box. Ty for your help =D

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are you saying that you have a text box, and when you type something into it and hit submit the text is inputted into javascript and it then redirects to a seperate page depending on what you type, or does it redirect you to a part of the page you are already on?and if you want javascript to submit when a button is clicked:

<input type="button" onclick="jsFunction(document.formname.fieldname.value)" value="Submit"/>

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It would be alot of code. Do you just want like "up, down, left, right" as possible inputs or do you want ANYTHING as a possible input? From there i can try to code you something but i can't guarantee it'll do what you want.

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ok then this isnt as complex as i thought it would be, i thought you meant like any word they put in let them go to a different page.

<script type="text/javascript"><!--function check(name){ switch(name){ case "up": window.location="pageforup.html"; break; case "left": window.location="pageforleft.html"; break;  case "right": window.location="pageforright.html"; break; default: return false; break; }}//--></script>

now call it like this:<form name="jim" action="page.php" onsubmit="return false" method="post"><input type="text" name="page"/><input type="button" name="submit" onclick="check(this.parentNode.page.value)"/></form>if that doesnt work then just change this.parentNode.page.value to document.jim.page.value;

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