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Passing Longer Values


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In php why won't it process a GET or POST if a value is too long? What is the letter/word limit? How can you fix this?

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It should be able to fine, how long is the value? It might be affected by this:http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.post-max-sizeBut the default is 8MB.Apparently the query string (GET) also has a limit, but varies from server to server and OS to OS. You should be able to count on at least 256 characters for GET though (in total).

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It's only a paragraph long. Example...a form that when filled out is used on another page as a POST and one of the input fields is a textarea...it won't process it, it just load a blank page...doesn't finish processing.

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Yeha, I have too that's what I'm confused about...maybe it's because I'm using htmlchars(). I don't see why that would limit the output.It could be because it's POST location is in an attribute of an XML but that shouldn't matter either.It might of been my server was being slow the other night...I need to try this out again and see if it continues...if it does I'll post the code.I guess from this the only question is: Does htmlchars limit limit submission of data?

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