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Cannot run SQL statement


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I have the following SQL statementSELECT Stock.Itemcode, Sum(Stock.QTY) AS TOTAL_QUANTITYFROM StockGROUP BY Stock.Itemcode;This SQL works fine, however when I add itemname to the statement:SELECT Stock.Itemcode, Stock.Itemname, Sum(Stock.QTY) AS TOTAL_QUANTITYFROM StockGROUP BY Stock.ITEM; It gives me the error ‘You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression ‘itemname’ as part of an aggregate function’. Background: there may be more than one entry of the same item in the table (it’s a result of the merging of a few tables) and the first statement is to calculate the total number of each type of stock

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Ooo so its like such:

SELECT Stock.Item, Stock.Itemname, Sum(Stock.QTY) AS TOTAL_QUANTITYFROM StockGROUP BY Stock.ITEM, Stock.Itemname;

So this means that all the rows not using the aggregrate function has to be added to the group by?

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