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Image Upload Problem...


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I'm using an older reference book to put together an image uploading page on my site, so the user can change the images displayed on their site. i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, but my file type check is failing and killing the rest of my script, telling me that the file is in an unrecognized format......i'm uploading a small .jpg file to test with, so it shouldn't be causing an error......anyways, here's the code i'm using.my upload form

	  <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="picUpload.php" method=post target="_parent">		<input type="hidden" name="picID" value="pic1">		<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1024000">		<input name="pic" type="file">		<input type="submit" value="Upload">	  </form>

my script to handle the upload

<?php  session_start();  $picID = $_POST['picID'];  $pic_tmp = $_FILE['pic']['tmp_name'];  $pic = $_FILE['pic']['name'];  $pic_size = $_FILE['pic']['size'];  $pic_type = $_FILE['pic']['type'];  $pic_error = $_FILE['pic']['error'];  $_SESSION['picID'] = $picID;  $_SESSION['pic'] = $pic;//file upload check  if ($userfile_error)  {	echo 'Problem: ';	switch ($userfile_error)	{	  case 1: echo 'File exceeded maximum filesize!'; break;	  case 2: echo 'File exceeded maximum filesize!'; break;	  case 3: echo 'File only partially uploaded!'; break;	  case 4: echo 'No file uploaded!'; break;	}	exit;  }  if ($pic_type != 'image')  {	echo 'Problem: The file you uploaded is not in a recognized format!';	exit;  }  $upfile = 'images/userPics/'.$picID;  if(is_uploaded_file($userfile))  {	if(!move_uploaded_file($userfile,$upfile))	{	  echo 'Problem: Could not move file to destination directory.';	  exit;	}  }  else  {	echo 'Error with the file you uploaded: '.$userfile_name;	exit;  }?><html>//my formatting HTML<?php  echo 'File uploaded successfully!<br/><br/>';  echo '<img src="images/userPics/'.$picID.'"><br/><br/>';  echo '<a href="phat2575.php">Return to update page</a>';?></html><?php  session_write_close();?>

i'm not quite sure what i've done wrong, so any suggestions are greatly appreciated! thanks!love,jason

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