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BBCode buttons


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Hey,I have a project going that I am creating websites for teachers. They all come with a manager so they can edit text w/o having to edit files. I have BBCode in the manage.php file so i dont have to teach them HTML. Right now, I have a table explaining the BBCode but I want to create buttons that they can click to put BBCode in.Anyone know how to do this?MANAGER SAMPLEThanks,Skullmonkey

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here is a very simple one

<html><head></head><body><form action="somefile.php"><input type='button' value='Italic' onclick="txt.value+='[i]ITALIC_TEXT[/i] ';"><input type='button' value='bold' onclick="txt.value+='[b]BOLD_TEXT[/b] ';"><input type='button' value='underline' onclick="txt.value+='[u]UNDERLINE_TEXT[/u] ';"><input type='button' value='url' onclick="txt.value+='[url=URL_TO_GO_TO]TEXT_DISPLAYED[/url] ';"><input type='button' value='color' onclick="txt.value+='[color=COLOR_YOU_WANT]COLORED_TEXT[/color] ';"><input type='button' value='image' onclick="txt.value+='[img=IMAGE_PATH] ';"><input type='button' value='align' onclick="txt.value+='[align=LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER]CONTENT_TO_BE_ALIGNED[/align] ';"><br><textarea cols='100' rows='10' id='txt' name='txt'></textarea><br><input type='submit' value='save'></form></body></html>

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forget the first one, this is betterhere is an example with 2 textareas

<html><head><script type='text/javascript'>function addBB (text, target){	document.getElementById(target).value+=text;}</script></head><body><form action="somefile.php" id="form1"><input type='button' value='Italic' onclick="addBB('[i]ITALIC_TEXT[/i] ', 'txt');"><input type='button' value='bold' onclick="addBB('[b]BOLD_TEXT[/b] ', 'txt');"><input type='button' value='underline' onclick="addBB('[u]UNDERLINE_TEXT[/u] ', 'txt');"><input type='button' value='url' onclick="addBB('[url=URL_TO_GO_TO]TEXT_DISPLAYED[/url] ', 'txt');"><input type='button' value='color' onclick="addBB('[color=COLOR_YOU_WANT]COLORED_TEXT[/color] ', 'txt');"><input type='button' value='image' onclick="addBB('[img=IMAGE_PATH] ', 'txt');"><input type='button' value='align' onclick="addBB('[align=LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER]CONTENT_TO_BE_ALIGNED[/align] ', 'txt');"><br><textarea cols='80' rows='10' id='txt' name='txt'></textarea><br> <br><input type='button' value='Italic' onclick="addBB('[i]ITALIC_TEXT[/i] ', 'txt2');"><input type='button' value='bold' onclick="addBB('[b]BOLD_TEXT[/b] ', 'txt2');"><input type='button' value='underline' onclick="addBB('[u]UNDERLINE_TEXT[/u] ', 'txt2');"><input type='button' value='url' onclick="addBB('[url=URL_TO_GO_TO]TEXT_DISPLAYED[/url] ', 'txt2');"><input type='button' value='color' onclick="addBB('[color=COLOR_YOU_WANT]COLORED_TEXT[/color] ', 'txt2');"><input type='button' value='image' onclick="addBB('[img=IMAGE_PATH] ', 'txt2');"><input type='button' value='align' onclick="addBB('[align=LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER]CONTENT_TO_BE_ALIGNED[/align] ', 'txt2');"><br><textarea cols='80' rows='10' id='txt2' name='txt'></textarea><br><input type='submit' value='save'></form></body></html>

when you call the addBB function, the first argument is the text which you want to add when button is clicked and the second argument is the target textarealike this:addBB('text_to_display', 'target_textarea')you can add as much textareas you want :)btw. this doesn't have anything to do with php, somebody move this thread to javascript forum

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