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Problems with XML DOM and Firefox

Guest Shannon

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Guest Shannon

Hi, I'm new to this forum so I don't know if I'm going against any rules, but I need help. I'm working on a school webpage that will be desplaying information about our professors. I have an XML document type up with doesn't have a DTD or a shema but that hasn't been a problem so far. I put together the following code, that works fine in IE, but not Firefox.This is where I'm parsing the data for different browsers.

<head>	<script type = "text/javascript" language = "javascript">	<!--		var xmlDocument 						if (window.ActiveXObject)		  {		  xmlDocument=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");		  xmlDocument.async=false;		  xmlDocument.load("staff.xml");		  }		// code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc.		else if (document.implementation &&		document.implementation.createDocument)		  {		  xmlDoc=document.implementation.createDocument("","",null);		  xmlDoc.load("note.xml");		  }		else		  {		  alert('Your browser cannot handle this script');		  }			-->	</script></head>

And this is what I'm trying to display with the DOM

<body>	<script type = "text/javascript" language = "javascript">	<!--				//get root element		var professors = xmlDocument.documentElement;		var professor = professors.childNodes.item(1);		var name = professor.childNodes.item(0);		var rank = professor.childNodes.item(5);		var location = professor.childNodes.item(1);		var phone = professor.childNodes.item(2);		var email = professor.childNodes.item(3);					document.write(name.firstChild.nodeValue + "<br>" + rank.firstChild.nodeValue + "<br>");		document.write("<br><img src=\"" + professor.getElementsByTagName("Image")[0].firstChild.nodeValue + "\"><br>");		  		document.write("<b>Office:</b>");  		document.write("<br/>");  		document.write("<ul>");  		document.write("<li><i>Location</i> - " + location.firstChild.nodeValue + "</li>");		document.write("<li><i>Phone</i> - " + phone.firstChild.nodeValue + "</li>");		document.write("<li><i>E-mail</i> - <a href=\"mailto:" + email.firstChild.nodeValue + "\">"+ email.firstChild.nodeValue + "</a></li>");		document.write("<li><i>Postal Address</i> - </li>");		document.write("</ul>");		document.write("<blockquote>");		document.write("<blockquote>" + name.firstChild.nodeValue);		document.write("<br>C/O Computer Science Department<br>East Stroudsburg University<br>East Stroudsburg, Pa 18301");		document.write("</blockquote>");		document.write("</blockquote>");		document.write("<b>Degrees:</b>");		document.write("<br>");		document.write("<ul>");		for( var i = 0; i < professor.getElementsByTagName("Degree").length; i++){			document.write("<li>" + professor.getElementsByTagName("Degree")[i].firstChild.nodeValue + "</li>");    	}		document.write("</ul>");	-->	</script></body>

As I said the code works fine in IE but all I get is a blank page when it is opened in Firefox. I'm hoping there is a simple way to fix this problem. Otherwise I think I might have to redo the whole page.

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