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Valid CSS


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Hey, I fixed the issues with www.kovo.caAnd it validates!But my css doesnt....I get this * Line : 2 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : body * Line : 5 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : .navback * Line : 6 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #nav a:hover and #nav * Line : 6 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : #nav * Line : 6 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts hr and #nav * Line : 8 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #nav a:hover and #nav a:visited * Line : 8 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts hr and #nav a:visited * Line : 8 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : #nav a:visited * Line : 8 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #nav a:hover and #nav a:visited * Line : 8 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts hr and #nav a:visited * Line : 8 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : #nav a:visited * Line : 12 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : .threecolbox_1E87CDBC * Line : 12 (Level : 2) Redefinition of margin-left : .threecolbox_1E87CDBC * Line : 13 (Level : 2) Redefinition of margin-right : .threecolbox_1E87CDBC * Line : 15 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : .text * Line : 16 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : .text2 * Line : 18 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : .padbox_2CC9F81 * Line : 19 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts hr and a:visited * Line : 19 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #nav a:hover and a:visited * Line : 19 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : a:visited * Line : 19 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts hr and a:visited * Line : 19 (Level : 1) Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #nav a:hover and a:visited * Line : 19 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : a:visited * Line : 20 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : a:hover * Line : 21 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : hr I see it, but i dont know exactly how to fix it....this is part o my css:

html{min-height: 500px; min-width: 800px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;}body{background-color: #ffffff; background-image: url(images/img_01.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-x; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; min-height: 500px; 	 	 min-width: 800px;}.bannerdiv {width: 100%; height: 151px; background-image: url(images/img_03.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat;			background-position: center top;}.navback {width: 100%; height: auto; background-color: #e1e1e1; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13pt;}#nav {margin:0; padding:0;  width:100%; vertical-align: middle; color: #0058bb;}#nav li {display:inline; padding:0; margin:0;}#nav a:link,#nav a:visited {color:#0058bb; width:auto; text-decoration:none;}#nav a:hover {color:#ffffff; background:#0058bb;}.threecolcont_1E87CDBA {width:100%; height:100%; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;}.threecolbox_1E87CDBL {width:200px; height:100%; float:left;  margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt;}.threecolbox_1E87CDBC {width: auto; height:100%; background-color:#ffffff; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; margin-left: 200px;					   margin-right: 200px; border-right: #00489a 1px solid; border-left: #00489a 1px solid;}.threecolbox_1E87CDBR {width:200px; height:100%; float:right; margin: 0px; padding: 0px;   font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 9pt;}.text {color: #0000e1; line-height: 1.5;}.text2 {color: #0000e1; line-height: 1.5; width: 95%; text-align: left;}.padbcont_2CC9F81 {width:auto; height:auto; border-top: #00489a 1px solid; border-bottom: #00489a 1px solid; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; clear: both;}.padbox_2CC9F81 {width:auto; height:auto; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: #0000e1; font-size: 8pt; font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;}a:link,a:visited {color: #0058bb;}a:hover {color: #006feb;}hr {width: 100%; border: 0; background-color:#0058bb; height: 1px;}

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Simply state a color and background-color together. Where you change one, change the other. And I believe these are WARNINGS, not ERRORS.The one about re-defining margins would go away if you used the shorthand form of the margin declaration.

margin: 0px 200px 0px 200px; // top, right, bottom, left

By declaring margin: 0 and then the specific margin-left and right, you recieve a warning. Either use a short-hand version like above, or an expanded version like below:

margin-top: 0px;margin-right:200px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left:200px;

I think those changes will do it for you.

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