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PHP/MyDQL Learning?


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::EDIT::Mod, please fix title didnt realize I messed up on title.Ok, a bit of background on me.About 300 yrs ago I decided to learn 3d so I can add a car, building, tree, human, or whatever into a game called GTA III. (The point is not the game the point is my 3d exp so please refrain from trashing a non issue here. Thanks.) I decided 1 day to learn to make 3d objects and see where it goes so i can get this thing into the game. Anyway I became so good that most people think I was doing 3d for more than 3 to 5 yrs. in reality, I was only doing it for less than 8 months, 3 months of playing around.In that time I had a site and i had other people do all the programing for me and such, I learned about IBF, IPB, whatever you wanna call THIS forum and dealt with that. as for actual main site things I still have others take care of it for me.I took your test on php and I seem to know more than I thought, I got 15/20 questions right, however I don't understand a damn thing about php. I have read a lot of books and still cant grasp it. I think its a contradiction on my part cause I picked up 3d so fast. I am wondering how I can learn php/mysql and effectively be able to do it and make scripts that I can use.I have read, stared at code, and nothing works. Any help??BTW 1st post.And some 3d art for ya guys to show how much I learned in so little time.TRT015A.JPGcpt00008.jpgroom0012-0072.jpgroom0012-0076.jpg

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Nice art!For learning PHP and MySQL, the only thing I can recommend is to come up with a project and start working on it. When you come across something that you don't understand, send a question to the PHP forum. There are some highly skilled developers in there that are constantly answering people's questions. Then, once you have a couple of projects under your belt, you'll begin to have an idea how it all works.Perhaps you could start with a form that a visitor would use to enter in some information. When the visitor submitted the form, it would be submitted to a PHP page that stored the data in a database table in MySQL.

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